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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Check out my website: - The Entertainment Website For The Chosen People --- covers all aspects of the entertainment industry and delivers an inside look at Hollywood and the joys it brings into our lives. Visit regularly and you’ll find tons of interesting information about Movies, Television, Video Games, Music, DVDs, and more.We are not here just to cater to or focus on the Jewish community; is all about the entire entertainment industry. We’ll have all perspectives on Hollywood with a Jewish point of view and from a non-Jewish point of even gives you the opportunity to help conduct interviews with actors, directors, producers, and other key Hollywood people. You tell us two or three questions you’d most like to ask your favorite celebrity; then, our reporters will actually ask them! Hey, one day you may be able to say “I asked Steven Spielberg a question on !”And be sure to watch our contests for our most coveted prize: the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interview one of Hollywood’s leading actors, directors, musicians, producers, or writers. It’s always super-popular and it’s on .For the latest from Hollywood – the entertainment capital of the world – and the people who make it run – visit every day.

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