The van Gobots are a rock and roll band from Minneapolis.
"The EP doesn’t feature a track more than four minutes and spares no rests in the name of musical mutiny. "
Greg Swan, Perfect Porridge
"To lump them in with the mall music of a Hot Topic-branded genre is doing disservice to the band’s earnest and serious side...Their CD is full of catchy and thought-provoking lyrics"
Bob Longmore, How Was The Show
"Awesomely pugnacious and prickly"
Rob van Alstyne, Metromix Twin Cities Roll Call
"With an obscenely tight rhythm section, wild but restrained riffing and a vocal bark that summons Sparta's Jim Ward, the Van Gobots have transcended just the superb name and actually cultivated some impressive tunes...A band still in its infancy, the Van Gobots have already laid the groundwork for a sound that has acres to grow. Given the group's pronounced hooks, laxs attitude and tight musicianship, the Van Gobots have plenty to look forward to."
Billboard College Town Tour Guide
"Bringing forth a high energy, hard rock sound The van Gobots [EP] is short and sweet, but it doesn’t disappoint...They leave you hungry for more."
Brett Reese, Rift Magazine
"..not your average indie rock band, they make artsy indie rock with traces of the 70's punk scene...they've got some cool ideas and are without doubt great musicians."
Kaj Roth,
"The Van Gobots' first foreshadows good things. The Van Gobots EP is a striptease of a truly bootylicious album to come...if this EP was any indicator then I would keep a look out for this band in the future"
Andrew Scott, HEAVE Media