My nickname is 'Enigma':
1. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained; "how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one of nature's secrets" [syn: mystery]
2. a difficult problem [syn: riddle]
3.One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable.
4.A perplexing speech or text; a riddle.
1. a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation: His disappearance is an enigma that has given rise to much speculation.
2. a person of puzzling or contradictory character: To me he has always been an enigma, one minute completely insensitive, the next moved to tears.
3. a saying, question, picture, etc., containing a hidden meaning; riddle.
4. (initial capital letter) a German-built enciphering machine developed for commercial use in the early 1920s and later adapted and appropriated by German and other Axis powers for military use through World War II.
[Origin: 1530¨C40; L aenigma Gk a¨ªnigma, equiv. to ainik- (s. of ain¨ªssesthai to speak in riddles, deriv. of a¨«nos fable) + -ma n. suffix of result]
Synonyms 1. problem. See puzzle.
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Point your curser around the black cat and she will swat at you... see is sooo cute... see the real Bhudda in my pixs
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Take the quiz: " Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)"
Ma'at, Goddess of Order, Harmony, and Truth
Ma'at was the goddess of physical and moral law in Egypt, of order and truth. She was not much of a goddess, but more of a concept. She was what was right; she was the way things should be.
You lead a very well-ordered life. You are just and keep things in balance. You know just how to react to things, and people like you for that.