I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Plenty of people i want too meet.David Lynch,Martin Scorsese,the Dalai lama,Angelo Badalamenti,Einstein(to late!)and all people with good will.
Ennio Morricone(the best!!),Julee Cruise,Bach,George Delerue,Beethoven,Leonard cohen,Abba,Queen,ANthrax,Jimmy Scott,Mahler,Pino Donaggio,Hans Zimmer,The who,The doors,Pink Floyd,Led Zeppelin,Michael Danna,The Stones,The Beatles,Aretha Franeklyn,Loise Armstrong,Elvis,Chris Isaac,Johnny Cash,Marilyn Monroe,The beach boys,Soft sell,Bronski Beat,Elton JOhn,Alison Moyet,Sting,The police,John Barry,Francis Lai,DUlce Pontes,Pavarotti,Meatloafe,Peter Gabriel,Kate Bush,David Bowie,Nic Cave,Roger Daltrey,George Harrison,Nina Simone,Michael Nyman,Randy Newman, and many,many more i can't think of
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHvbwV0po_U Everything from David Lynch is great!His work gives meaning to this life.Blue velvet,Raging bull,The departed,Fire walk with me,The elephant man,Eraserhead,Inland Empire,Lost highway,Mean streets,Taxi driver,United93,After hours,The last temptation of Christ,The exorcist1 and 3,The Texas chainsaw massacre 1974 version,Halloween,The deer hunter,Goodfellas,Casino,The wizzard of ozz,Annie Hall,Manhattan,Bannanas,Radio days,Manhatten murder mystery,Love and death,Once upon a time in America,The good,the bad and the ugly,A fistfull and for a few dollars more,Duck you sucker,The third man,Citizen Kane,Vertigo,Rear window,Cape fear,Novecento,Awakenings,Saw,In the mouth of madness,The searchers,Bleu collar,The sweet hereafter,Exotica,E.T the extra terrestrial,Raiders of the lost ark,Night of the living dead,Dawn of the dead,Day of the dead,Land of the dead,Return of the living dead,Leaving Las Vegas,Liebestraum,The shining,Dr Strangelove,Full metall jacket,Lolita(Kubrick version)Indiana Jones and holy grail,The life of brian,The meaning of life,House of 1000 corpses,Die blechen trommel,Soldier of orange(soldaat van oranje)Blade runner,The devils rejects,The dualists,Bad luitenant,The piano,Crazie love,Wait until spring Bandinni,The godfather trilogy,Apocalyps know,Where the trough lies,Magnolia,Boogie nights,Hard eight,Punch drunk love,Meet the parents,Meet the Fockers,Bram Stokers Dracula,hammerfilms,Dario Argento films,I like Robert De Niro,Christopher Walken,Meryl Streep,Marlon Brando,Al Pacino,Ben Stiller,Adam Sandler,Kyle Mclachlan,Elias Koteas,Teri Polo,Andy Macdowell,Christopher Lee,Rob Morrow,John Corbet,Joe Pesci,Nick Nolte,Jesica Lange,Shelly Winters,Heather Graegam and a lot of others
Twin peaks,nothing comes even close! Except Northern exposure! love Andy!
I am not so much a reader of novels but i like to read about film and music.Lynch on Lynch is a great book about David Lynch.I love comics,Frank Miller is a fantastic Graphic novelist.Sin city and Batman:The dark Knight are the best comic series ever Humo is the best mag in Belgium!
Ennio Morricone,David Lynch,Martin Scorsese,The Dalai Lama,Father Pio,Sergio Leone,Familie,God,Jesus,Native Americans,De Niro,Pacino,Angelo Badalamenti.