annette heartbreak profile picture

annette heartbreak

I am here for Friends

About Me

[ comment me ]
if you don't see me dancing, i've probably been hit by a truck, because these legs never stop moving, no matter where i am. the last month of my life has been electric. my laugh has only gotten louder. my grades have gotten higher. and my smile hasn't faded. in 19 years i've seen and done so much, and i can't wait for my future to start. my boyfriend is probably the most supportive human being i've ever come in contact with, and without him i wouldn't be going to cosmetology school next year. i've gotten more goosebumps in the last month than my entire life combined because of that boy, and i could never stress how vital he is to my future. my friends don't know how to be sad, and being around posi vibes like that can make a person remember how it feels to be ten years old again and love it. who i am shouldn't, and probably never will, matter to you. all i can say is that i've been reincarnated, and trust me baby, this time around is going to be way more invigorating.
i'm annette, and it's nice to meet you.
♥ [:
[email protected]
i'm flattered, really. -
annette was like
annette sadek

My Interests

you two are what keeps me going

I'd like to meet:

You, are incredible. I have never felt so right around somebody before. You came into my life, and you were there for me when I was my saddest. You are such a strong person, and I'm lucky to have you in my life. You're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, and I feel like a part of your family already. Your mom once told me she always wanted a daughter in law like me, and I couldn't help but melt when she said that. You're perfect for me, and I never want anyone else. I love you so much Brian Montanaro, and I always will.


My Blog

you know who this is for.

this will be the last song i will ever say is yours.John Patrick Raleigh, i have to begin this entry by saying i am not angry. i couldn't be, we've gone through way too much together to look...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:44:00 PST

i’m fucking br00tal

comment me with your name.i'll tell you exactly what i think of bullshit.
Posted by annette heartbreak on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 05:08:00 PST

a whole new me.

so, i'm going to follow the hipsters and make a blog bout how much i hated 2007 and how much i think 2008 will be, even though you and i both know it's bullshit. and honestly? i couldn't sit here and ...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:44:00 PST

strawberry fields forever

i don't understand myself.i try to be this realist, with strong ideals and morals and stances. but i have nothing most of the time. i doubt any of this will make sense to anyone, and i apologize for t...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 07:31:00 PST

a different person

i'm getting so much better.i've come such a long way, but i can't help but be afraid of becoming who i was again.matthew is getting distant again, and that thought just ruins me.john is there for me t...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 07:17:00 PST

growing up. 18 on monday. friends.

i wish i could sit here and tell you every little detail of the past year. my life has changed so much. for the better, for the worst. i can't believe how much i've changed, or how much i've grown. i ...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:29:00 PST

everything. thank you. hope. christmas eve. life. you. both of you.

i can't believe it happened.i can't believe it happened.i can't believe it did.i feel like it was a dream, i can't even fathom it. i can't stop crying, then smiling, then crying, then smil...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 12:36:00 PST

something i wrote for nobody. enjoy.

i cling hard to barbed wire as your words spill out in monotone, and i keep my eyes focused on everything else but you. half the time i don't even need to focus on what you say, because the voice may ...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST

if you love me, click this?

Hello Annette,I'm ____ and you have a nice_____. You make me _______.You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me =________. If I saw you now I'd __________.I would build a _______ just for you...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 07:17:00 PST

one more time

I know this is typical of me. "I feel so fucking lonely" blah blah blah. I'm too repetitive. But, I can't help it. I feel as if I have so much love to give, and nobody to give it too. I feel like ever...
Posted by annette heartbreak on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:55:00 PST