Chelsea --
A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at I'm Chelsea, I just moved in with my gorgeous bf in san jacinto california and I'm currently looking for a job. Hopefully it wont take long for us to get on our feet. I'm a very intelectual person. I love to think and explore my mind. I love to analyze things and try to figure everything out. I'm a people pleaser. I like to make everyone happy. Sometimes it effects me negatively but its worth it to see someone thats genuinly joyful. I really want to inspire people. I want to let people know that they can do anything they want and I want to show people that there is a heart and soul in everyone no matter if they wear it on their sleeves or you have to dig down deep for it. You just need to learn to understand them and listen to them.I'm a singer. I love music more then life itself without music there would be no life. Music is my world. Love and passion captivate my life. I'm a very thoughtful complex person, but I make sense to myself. I can't get enough and I can't give enough love. I was a hippy before it became popular. I want to talk to and meet a lot of people so just message me I'd love to talk.