Emilia Alma’s journey with music began at the age of 7th when she entered Primary Music School in Szczecin. She sang in the school choir and also played in the orchestra.
From the age of 13 she started performing in Musical Theatre shows. Starting with "Hansel & Gretel"(which toured all over Germany) "West Side Story" and "Melodies of Broadway" (both choreographed by Barry Solone).
As a teenager she sang in jazz&blues bands and also attended many gospel workshops.
After Secondary Music School she realized the violin was not her calling. So she decided to move to Warsaw.
While in Warsaw she started a gospel group called "Tribe of Alma" and lead gospel workshops at Redeemed Christian Church of God.
In 2005 "Tribe of Alma" won first prize at the International Gospel Festival in Osiek.
Emilia now is working on her own material and music. Also she is singing backgrounds for established artists.