Partying, Liqure, Dancing, Swimming, Going to the beach, Chillin with friends, Scary Movies, Comedies, Friends, Having Fun With Myself..watching T.V (what did you perves think I was talking about?, Listening to Music, Handcuffs, Erotica Books (you can get some great ideas =]..) and Trying new things.
I'd like to meet Eminem (he's so hott and so talented) and I know this is a bit pethetic but I wanna meet Leonardo Dicaprio =] and last but not least the guys and gals in gunit.
I love all types of movies as long as they have a plot and a good story line.Some of my fav. movies have been SAW 1 and 2, The Shining, Puppet Master, Jaws, The Exercist, Rosemarrys baby, The Exercism Of Emily Rose, The Others, Stigmata, The Hunting, the Halloweenmovies, Friday The 13th movies, Chucky movies, JeppersCreppers, Resident Evil 1 and 2, Identity, Alot Like Heaven, The Special Olympics, How to lOse a Guy in Ten Days, Not another Teen Movie, Scary Movie 1 and 2, The little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, Spirtted Away ext...