Stas Oding is “the key player†of the company which name is associated with the blossom of St-Petersburg rave culture. Contrforce accounted dozens of music festivals and nightlife events at the first Russian techno-club TUNNEL. It is just impossible to imagine the realization of the projects like, Mayday Russia, Soundtropolis Russia without the part of Stas. Recently the army of clubbers has recognized him as a DJ alongside with his status of a talented promoter. The debut of DJ Oding S took place at the Kazantyp. Only a month later he was blowing the roof of The World Of Drum&Bass Russia dance floor for the thousands of 170 bpm rhythm devotees. DJ-ing is first of all his hobby. However, as a real perfectionist and professional, with every his performance Stas is trying to work out his technique up to the absolute as to eventually enter that limited cast of the vinyl giants.
Top 7 (30 march 2009)
1. Vision :: Camo&Krooked :: Mainframe rec
2. Weird Science :: Danny Byrd :: Hospital
3. Paper Planes Bootleg :: M.I.A vs Unknown Artist :: Beard
4. Special Ops :: Seba :: Combination rec
5. Electrify :: Concept&Shnek :: Brigand music
6. Day N Nite (TC rmx) :: Kid Cudi vs Crookers :: DATA
7. Off Switch :: Heathen :: ...
I do such things as: MAYDAY, The World of Drum&Bass, Soundtropolis, Udar.Music, Shake&Break, NEXT LEVEL, Breaks Arena, Djedi, Ravemontage e.t.