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everybody ends up kissing the wrong person goodnight

About Me

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My Interests

new york times sunday crossword, npr in the morning time, japanese tchotchkes, books, music, popular culture from the 60s (music, clothes, movies, furniture i can't afford, cameras, design in general), dada, television trivia from the 70s and 80s, popular culture from now, yoshitomo nara, "god hates japan" a book (in japanese, which i cannot read, but with lots of fun illustrations, and which gabe brought me from osaka) by douglas coupland, ...

I'd like to meet:

tony bourdain
sam from top chef season 2and, for conversation of the foodie variety, michael ruhlman (although, until then, this will do quite well)


this is a good play list::: dirty harry-gorillaz, disco 2000-pulp, i'll stop the world-tears for fears, 96 tears-? and the mysterians, green onions-booker t and the mgs, nonstop dancing-the jam, head on-pixies, space age lovesong-flock of seagulls, young folks-peter bjorn and john, like dylan in the movies-belle and sebastian, this charming man-the smiths, do you want to-franz ferdinand, true faith, annie-elastica, do the hippogriff-weird sisters, let's go crazy-prince, sexx laws-beck, song 2-blur, rebel rebel-david bowie, in this home on ice-clap your hands say yeah, spirit in the sky-norman greenbaum, close to me-the cure, desperate guys-the faint, c'mere-interpol, trash-suede, papa's got a brand new bag-james brown, don't stop till you get enough-michael jackson, keep on dancing-the ronettes, satisfaction-rolling stones, dirty water-the standells, tainted love-gloria jones, pretty in pink-psychedelic furs, fools gold-stone roses, girls&boys-blur, common people-pulp, you can't hurry love-supremes, dancing in the street-martha reeves and the vandells, town called malice-the jam, just can't enough-nouvelle vague


ciao manhattan!, say anything, die hard with a vengance, being john malkovich, dangerous liasons, the war room, to catch a thief, stand by me, the empire strikes back, bringing up baby, the virgin suicides, harold & maude, ten things i hate about you, sabrina (1954), running on empty, hard target, blade runner, peyton place, the great escape, footloose, the birds, little fauss and big halsy, memento, breakfast at tiffany's, blow up, spirited away, barefoot in the park, pump up the volume, the thomas crown affair (1968), north by northwest, charade, robin hood (1973, disney), pretty in pink, the breakfast club, heathers, to sir ... with love, an american in paris, ocean's eleven (1960), houseboat, singing in the rain, bullit, my own private idaho, weird science, the graduate, butch cassidy and the sundance kid, young guns, flatliners, in the mood for love ...


my all time favorites: buffy, iron chef, barefoot contessa, queer eye for the straight guy, any show that's title begins with law&order, starsky and hutch, the mary tyler moore show, vega$, gilmore girls, prison break, grey's anatomy, brideshead revisited (bbc mini), peyton place, the adventures of pete and pete, max headroom 20 minutes into the future and, of course, pretty much any low-brow teen fare turned out by the CW or Fox ...

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life after god by douglas coupland; brideshead revisited by evelyn waugh; watership down by richard adams; the ground beneath her feet by salman rushdie; kitchen by banana yoshimoto; modern art and popular cuture by kurt varnedoe; essays by tom wolfe ...books i've curled up with this winter: fall on your knees, the devil in the white city, choke, love is a mix tape ...


simon doonan, twiggy, mary tyler moore, coco chanel, carson kresley, santa claus, mary richards and rhoda morgenstern

My Blog

THINK PINK! please attend ...

guest list only.please [email protected]...
Posted by Briana on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:17:00 PST

bad, john mccain, bad!

..>..>..>..>..> ..>..>..> | Elections | 2 008 Presidential Candidate Choice Statements ...
Posted by Briana on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:36:00 PST

hits home ...

so, the war in's a big issue today - in general - but it's not something that comes home.not to us.not to the educated middle (lower to upper) living on the east and west something w...
Posted by Briana on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:35:00 PST

rock the vote ...

so, it's super tuesday tomorrow.that's a big deal, right?i was raised by a couple of politically active people in new hampshire in the 70s and 80s ...  i shook hands with jesse jackson in 1983 (t...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:28:00 PST

oh my goodness! the best thing has happened!

the food network, which has, for better or worse, made all things kitchen-y accessible to middle america, has made an outstanding programing they have not sent rachael ray to siberia and...
Posted by Briana on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 09:23:00 PST

bitchin’ and moanin’ ...

so, last week i had a pretty shitty week at work.i won't bore you with the details. suffice it to say, it was one of my worst since i started my "new" job.i think i was pretty boring, complaining abou...
Posted by Briana on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:21:00 PST

quick thought ...

this season, there is a serious lack of cute footwear in the world. if you know me, as most of you do, you know that i love shoes.  and this season, i have been heavily disappointed in the select...
Posted by Briana on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:35:00 PST

dead letter office ...

it seems i write a lot of unsent letters.i always have.a lot of the wiritings here, whether they begin "dear so and so" or not, are unsent letters.things i have to get off my chest.things that may go ...
Posted by Briana on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:26:00 PST

why is it ...

... that when you are feeling sad or alone or bummed out, that every song that comes on the radio or your ipod or your internet music device sounds like the saddest song in the world? i keep switching...
Posted by Briana on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 10:56:00 PST

something to put a smile on your face ...

and, thankfully, mine.a brief smile is better than no smile at all! ...
Posted by Briana on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 07:22:00 PST