i'm fun. i live in LAS VEGAS! come see me; bring gambling money
dane cook and brady quinn.... yum.
i like a lot of things. i love pop - it doesn't matter how old i am - and i love country music, but only if it's "pop" country... also, if you live in vegas you should go to 80's night with me; i mean, it's just too awesome for words!!!
my favorite movie is probably the wizard of oz, but i love to watch lots of things. most often you can find me watching friends dvds.
friends and sex and the city were the greatest shows ever, but since they are both gone i now obsess over grey's anatomy. my guilty pleasures are all reality series especially wifeswap and trading spouses.
i read gossip magazines on an almost daily basis so i'm going to go ahead and count those...
my mom. she had six kids and she's still sane... and that's ridiculous