•I like the smell of Oil paints• Spanglish •Art •Please recycle •Music •Photography •Wish I was better at math •I'm part of a book club that never meets and we don't talk about books •My little laboratory •"Free" time •Doodling •Coffee •Old photos
Lets drop some of this...
Yes, it's wonderful.
I wonder if I saw this movie today, would I love it as much as I remember I did, or would it completely suck...
Que Pasa USA would never work or be as good if they made it now.
I am currently reading..but I love Phillip Pullman (His Dark Materials), Harry Pot-Head, Holographic Univerese by Michael Talbot, David Sedaris, (Me Talk Pretty One Day), James Thurber, Freakonomics, Paul Coelho "The Alchemist", Roald Dahl, Marjane Satrapi "Persepolis 1&2", Richard Brautigan, Franz Kafka, The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom, Childrens books...I don't know, theres other good shit out there. Okay I'm a geek.
If Superman rotated the earth backwards to save Lois Lane, do you think he could do the same so we could try and change the outcome of Bush's first presidential election?