Sleeping, Eating, Waking, Driving, Writing, Gaming, Designing, Inebriating, Abbreviating, Infuriating
Degenerate sun worshipers, perpetual thinkers, self-loathing writers, (un)talented artists, aged concubines, disillusioned deities and agoraphobic freedom fighters.
Porno spammers, vile party monsters and self-stroking intellectualites needn't apply.
Everything under the sun, but here are my recent obsessions:Tool Glassjaw A Perfect Circle Sevendust Immortal Technique mc chris Pendulum James Brown Gorillaz Dusty Rhodes and the River Band
Entourage, Californication, Boston Legal.
The Rum Diary, On The Road, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Fluke, Practical Demon Keeping, The Great Shark Hunt: The Gonzo Papers Vol. 1, Interventions, Generation of Swine: The Gonzo Papers Vol. 2.