vintage microphones, recording birds, singing in my bathroom, spending time with Tanner, Sadie and Odin!!! Jah, incense, jumping on trampolines, remembering, going to the middle of nowehere and listening to nothing, hanging out in Harvard Square, Yves Saint Laurent!!!!, foxtrot and tango skirts, the french language, sculptures by John Bisbee, painting on 4x4 canvas, foreign films, belly dancing, Volvos, Josh, Wine, Ireland, Charles Bukowski poetry, swimming in puddles, sadie and odin, singing, smokin a lil,playing field hockey, the ocean, Boston and Maine, starfish, lobster, metal, smoking Gauloises ciggs and drinking Bordeaux, Tom Brady, looking for sand dollars with my mom and sister, hanging out with them anytime is always a great time. Singing my guts out, watching josh do kareoke, Oeneology, making clothes with MP, road trips, listening to vinyl, talking about wine. you know , simple stuff.
Kim Gordon and Barack Obama
Dinosaur Jr, Jeff Buckley. Johnnette, Chopin, Bach, Julee Cruise, Tanner Olson, Radiohead, Kitty Wells. Mazzy Star, myself, Joshua Novak, Gann Matthews, Goldfrapp, PJ Harvey, Robotnik, Scout Niblett, H.R, Sonic Youth, Bjork ( my friend) :) Neil Young, H.R, Magnolia Electric Co, Kent, Bruce Springsteen, Beach House, Lee Hazelwood, Across Tundras, Suede, Battle of Mice, Tupac, Cat Power, Big Buisness, ENTRANCE, Bad Brains, Bonnie Prince Billy, Black Sabbath, Hank Williams, The Kooks, Bob Dylan, Songs Tanner sing, Aphex Twins, The Sea and Cake, Edith Frost is amazing.
The Price of Milk,Stranger than Paradise, The Fountain, La Femme Nikitta, Me, You and Everybody We Know, 2046, In the Mood for Love, Chuking Express, Happy Together, Blow Up, Heathers, Kill Bills, The English Patient, Closer , Love Me if you Dare, Pump up the Volume, My Private Idaho, Drugstore Cowboys, Even Cowgirls get the Blues, I love Gus Van Sant, Masculine Feminine , Woody Allen, I don't know, i can't sit still.
THE OFFICE, Gossip Girl, Project Runway
I love Charles Bukowski, BRET EASTON ELLIS, Michael Chabon, Anne Sexton, Zoe Miller,Janet Fitch, Russell Banks, Alex Garland.... Lonely Planet. Robert Parker. Kevin Zraly. Anne Rice.
me mum, and me sis, my papa and auntie bev and OBAMA!!!!!!!