Friendly conversation, dancing, mind expansion and general societal growth
This thing:
Oh yeah, and these guys..... classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="
s/flash/,0,0,0" width="640" height="480" id="simquarium" align="middle"
Anything that moves the soul
Ghost Babies (written and directed by John Battagline and Nicholas Coats)
I'm not too into TV...unless it's SHARK WEEK!
The list goes onIM me at BonerFang [a truly legitimate screenname] for more options
My biggest hero is anyone with the courage to be who they truly are. But, just for shitz and gigz, I'll throw in some quotes below:
"Isn't it good to be lost in the Wood?" -'Tis Treehouse
CoolioSuperMan (5:36:35 PM): god needs to shut down the earth server for a day and fix these bugs
flpm05 (11:05:18 PM): no, i dont really ever feel like i am the only one... i do, however, feel at times that happiness is a mirage in the distance, like a waterhole in the desert- visible but not tangible
DaveMallison (3:58:08 PM): i heard rumors that japan is under attack of 500 lbs jellyfish
Nelle Star OSU (1:39:03 AM): im a big fan of the holocaust
gettysburgadress (3:29:13 PM): the foundry is my woman
fleeingthevalley: we are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other