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Kamaj was born on April 9th, 1983 in Colombo,Sri Lanka. Music has always been a part of his life, having formed a strong understanding and appreciation for it even as a young child.His skills with computers, coupled with his intimate knowledge of music, sets him apart from many house producers. Kamaj's productions are a beautiful weave of melodies, chords, effects, and percussion. They are each unique, and offer a truly engaging experience.Self-taught, Kamaj has always followed his heart towards his goal to create genuine, impassioned dance music. Through years of practise, research, and exploration, he has refined his sound and melodies.A highly motivated enthusiastic Individual, musical production for Kamaj continues to be an outlet, a way to communicate and connect with others. His sound is reminiscent of a time when producers made music for love. His vision is to express his feelings; to make people understand his music and the way he wants to feel when he is on the dancefloorThe first house music track he releases to the Sri Lankan mass market is weired but its got a flavour which sets it apart from other dance tracks. The formula is classical meets a packed dancefloor. Doesnt the title say it all. So have a listen.. Feel ithttp://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Kamaj
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Member Since: 08/07/2007
Band Website: www.kamaj.talents.lk,www.myspace.com/kamajsilva
Band Members:Links to different profileswww.StarNow.co.uk/kamajsilvawww.kamaj.talents.lk
Influences: Bob Sinclair, Judge Jules, ATB, Robert Miles
Sounds Like: Jack Johnson on crack
Record Label: sillybwoi records
Type of Label: Indie

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