I'm 24 years old and the youngest of all my friends. I have a real young lookin' face. I usually can't pass for 16 most of the time and i hate it. Bars suck just tryin' to get through the door. After that....i usually don't remember. hehe. I've played the piano since I was 3, i don't know how to read music, and i've never had lessons. That picture was taken when I was 15 months old by the way. As you can see, all 5 fingers are on one key, so....yeah, not quite playin' then was i? Anyhoo when it comes to the piano you name it i can play it. And if i can't play it...then I'll just listen to it once or twice and then i'll know it. Don't believe me, ask any of my friends. Most of the bands I've listed i can play a good portion of their songs. That's most...not all. Then of course there's all of one of the greatest songs ever written NOFX's "The Decline" and of course "bohemian rhapsody," "stairway to heaven," "freebird," all of Green Day's "Jesus of Suburbia..." Then there are those i didn't list. i love to play but mostly for others. If no one else enjoyed my playing, i probably would've stopped a long time ago. i was born with one ear..or...born without my right ear. half full...half empty..however you want to look at it. Also can be seen in the pic. I've been in and out of the hospital since i was five including brain and spine surgery and a few more to go in fact. I was born with a plethora of birth defects, syndromes, and malformations. my life story is currently being adapted to a screen play, slowly but surely by yours truly. I can be shy at first but doesn't take long to get me out of the shell. I truly enjoy myself around friends. I don't care what it is we're doin', as long as i'm surrounded by friends then i have nothing to complain about in life. Honestly, if you can't be yourself around your own friends what kind of person are you?
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level -
Kissing Skill Level -
Cudding Skill Level -
Sex Skill Level -
Why They Love You You are wet and wild.
Why They Hate You You kiss better than them.
This cool quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 1538348 Times.
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