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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


My name is Dave from Leeds in West Yorkshire, England. This my space site has been created for everyone who enjoys natural history and the countryside.

Feel free to add things and join in. I have created a blog where you can put what you have seen during your walks, or where you live (though do not give too much detail for anything that is rare or protected) Send me your photos and I will add them into the galleries, forward to me at [email protected]. Some photos I have taken off the net; if these are yours and you want them removing from this space please contact me, and my apologies. Thanks to all those who have given me permission to use their images. John at JD Photography, Richard from Derbyshire, Lorretta & Eidie. Enjoy the wildlife videos that I have added, use the links for details of various groups and organisations (just click on the relevant name). Email me to add yours.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

Wildlife in the News

The British butterfly population has dropped so drastically, some species are threatened with extinction, conservationists say. Butterfly Conservation and the Centre for Ecology are calling for refo...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 07:09:00 GMT

My Work with Wildlife

I created this Countryside My Space because of my love for natural history, the countryside and wild environments; be they suburban, woodland, coastal, estuary, moorland or farmland. I was interested ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 05:02:00 GMT

Your Sightings

This blog space can be used for all friends of this space to say what they have seen during their walks or countryside outings. To add your sightings, just add a comment or reply to this blog.Keep rar...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:14:00 GMT