Shirubi (Ikazuchi) - a name that I have generated of my own and of something else. By that one could tell I'm a fan of Japan. Or at least I used to be.
Actually, several artist from that country have influenced me greatly. So it all started from some video-game and anime ambient-music (Nobuo Uematsu, Ike Yoshihiro).
My own musical background - for some years I used to play (el. guitar) in a cool rock-chick band ( Stand Before )... I could say that this too is where it all started - greater interest in music and the creating of it. All that has given me the will to go back on stage one day.AODE (An Old Disconnected Entity) is my current project. Writing music so I could go back on stage and have fun.
The idea is to create something that I feel at home with, including elements of electronica, trip-hop, might be even some rock, industial or goth elements, whereas will still remain to the roots with my dear ambient and thoughtful melodies inspired by persons, worlds or events that maybe have never even occurred.
This section is already getting uselessy long, but well, about the context... There are several things I really like - futuristic visions, virtual reality, the states of mind, psychology related to personality and the past, memories and ghosts, dreams and nightmares, love ^_^, mysticism... All in all, these are the very same subjects that I'm going to speaking about in my creation.That is all.