♥Caught in a Catch 22 ♥ profile picture

♥Caught in a Catch 22 ♥

~*~ As Iron Sharpens Iron, so one man may sharpen another~*~

About Me

I love hangin out with my friends and having a good clean fun time!! The most important thing in my life now and always is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I strive to do what He says and to follow the ways of His word. Just because we all slip up and fall sometimes, its not really an excuse. God gives us the power to do everything and anything so nothing is impossible, but I am sooo happy that when we fall He picks us right back up!! This world is a mess right now. With all of the things happening like natural disasters to just people in our schools. Its a wide range of things that need to change and its not going to happen if EVERYONE doesnt put God in the picture!! We wonder why the world is so bad and its because there are so many people who arent living by the word. We need to be "living by the word instead of living by the block (116 Clique)." We need to get the word out and stop being ashamed to rep Jesus Christ where ever we are!! Lets be fanatics and do it BIG for the love of our lives Jesus Christ.....God didnt put us in this messed up world to just sit back and watch what all is wrong with the world....He put us here to change it. LOVE YA'LL© whateverlife.com
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My Interests

God for number one!! There is always something new with Him!! He never fails to show me things that I couldnt imagine!! But a lot of things interest me!! I like a lot of different things!! I LOVE going to my church Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship and I LOVE my youth ministry (NEXT LEVEL)!!! But i am also interested in learning things that I am interested in. I like sports, Men of God, hanging out with friends, bible studies, playing my instrument (sometimes!!), more sports, running, taking walks on late nights (hahaha BB!!) SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING, and just being ME!!!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Fanantics!!To all my girls!!Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples- from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree. Dont get discouraged girls!!! The right man WILL come!!! Dont settle for the ones that just want the apples on the ground!! Make them boys climb!!!SURVEY TIME!!
tons of questions that show your in depth side!
whats your name?: Alecia
what do people call you?: Alecia, Ace, Smith, Texas (my cousins)
where you named after anything?: Dont think so!!
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: Kelvin
do people spell/say your name wrong?: ALL the time!! Dont even ask what I have been called
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: Chanel (like Coco Chanel)
gender?: FEMALE!!
birthday?: January 24
age?: 17
age you act?: depends on how I feel ranging between 5 and 21 lol
age you want to be?: 17 why would you want to be closer to getting old?!?!
height?: the oh so tall 5'4 (really 5'3 and 3/4)
eye color?: Dark brown
happy with it?: I would rather have some color but I am content
natural hair color?: Dark brown with different mixes or light browns and reds...sometimes even blondes
happy with it? if not do you dye it?: I LOVE my hair
righty or lefty?: righty
family?: 4 people in the Smith resident
pets?: Nope mommy says no
peircings?: just two in each ear if that counts
tatoos?: Nope
love and stuff
single?: Yep and LOVIN IT!!
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: A few people right now but we are just chillin
are you in love?: nope
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: nope
do you believe in love at first sight?: I dont know...I havent found it yet!!
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: Yes of course!!
do you want to get married?: YES
do you want to have kids?: YES again
how many?: 4
do you believe in divorce?: nope stick it out NIGGAS
do you belive in true love?: yes
do you consider love a mistake?: No not at all
turn-ons?: Why you wanna know?!?!
turns-offs?: Boys being nasty (like burpinp, farting, ect)
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: Yes of course!!
what is best about the opposite sex?: That they arent the same as me
what is worst about the oppisite sex?: That a lot of them mainly think about one thing
are you a virgin?: YES I aint doin the thing until I get that RING
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: For me yes along with marriage..others might not think that
how far have you gone?: Well I went to Canada once (lol)
how many people have you had sex with?: Nobody
do other people consider you a slut?: No they dont have a reason to think that
right at this moment...
where are you?: In my game room
what can you see out your window?: Our yard and then our next door neighbor's house
are you listening to music?: Yes
are you lonely or tired?: Nope I am up and ready to go!!
use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling:: Happy, Hyper, Optimistic, Peaceful, Excited
are you talking to anyone online? if so who?: Nope everyone is sleeping!!
are you talking to anyone of the phone? if so who?: Nope everyone is sleeping!! Geez I feel like I am repeating
what are you wearing?: MY JAMAs!!!!
what are you doing?: this survey
whats on your mousepad?: a mouse...DUH!! lol
how many true friends do you have?: .....I dont know.....thats a little sad
are you a loner?: Nope I LOVE people
who is your best friend?: Second from God would have to be Dominique M/Smith lol
oldest?: Matthew Baker I have been knowin that boy since birth
newest?: Tommy I met him at camp
shyest?: None of my friends are really shy lol
loudest?: AMANDA DANNIELLE HARPER!! I love her though
smartest?: My bestfriend once again!! Dominique got that Knowledge
ditziest?: probably Caroline
funniest?: wow I think I am gonna have to say Jennie and Nat!! Them girls are hilarious
who is the best listener?: probably Dominique agian
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: A group!! Its fun with just one but a group keeps it mighty interesting
who do you wish you were closer to?: the people who I use to be close to but lost touch...ya'll knwo who yall are
who knows the most about you?: Probably Amanda
who knows the least about you?: I dont know
who do you trust the most?: Dominique
the least?: This is a question that will lead into some drama
who do you fight with the most?: My sister
who do you talk to online the most?: probably Amanda
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: I dont like talkin on the phone but I mainly talk to my homeboy the most
do you trust others easily?: Yeah I do
name one who's arms you feel safe in:: Other than God's.....probably my boy Joe!! Love ya boy
who house were you at last?: Amanda's
who's your second family?: The McCleave's
who lives the farthest away?: Achante'!! She live out in the Boonies!! jk lol
do you....
smoke?: NO
drink alcohol?: Nope
do drugs?: NO NO NO
pray?: I am constantly in prayer throughout all my days
go to church?: YEP and I love it!! OCBF!!!
sleep with stuffed animals?: No I start sneezing if I do
take walks in the rain?: No my hair will get messed up...but I might try it when I dont care that day!!
dance in the rain?: I might have to try that one too
do any sports? if so which ones?: Not in school but out of school Softball, volleyball, swimming, and dance
sleep around?: uuummm....NO
lie a lot?: ..................
steal?: No
gamble?: Nope
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: No
slept with a stranger?: Since I am a virgin I guess that would be a NO
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: YES I love doin that!!
screamed so much you lost your voice?: Yes at KAA (U KNOW)
laughed so much it was painful?: Yes all the time
cried so much it was painful?: uuummmm dont think so but I might have at one point in my life
gone skinny dipping?: uuummm thats a NEGATIVE
played strip poker?: Nope I dont even know how to play regular poker and strip...just aint my style
had a medical emergency?: Yes when I was a baby
ran away from home?: No I am too blessed to try to run away
done something extremely unexpected?: Yes all the time but thats when you have the most fun
slept outside?: I cant remember but I probably have
been onstage?: Yep all the time during concert season
deep stuff....
whats your biggest fear?: I am not really afraid of a lot of stuff so I really dont know
what was your weirdest dream?: There was this big ketchup and mustard bottle and a sandwich that was chasing me and I got squirted by mustard and it killed me.....yeah dont ask
scariest dream?: I was driving and my bestfriend was behind me and she ran into me and pushed me off of a cliff...THANKS DOMINIQUE!! lol
do you have a reoccuring dream?: I dont think so but I probably have
what was your best dream?: I was on a date with a man who I couldnt see his face and it was my fantasy date and he asked me to marry him
what IS your dream?: to become the top medical surgeon in the United States!! I might be operating on yall one day!!
do you live in the moment?: Yes and no....I worry about the future at times
what you greatest stregth?: My faith
whats your greatest weakness?: I dont know.....
do you have a motto you live by?: PUNKS RUN UP TO GET BEAT DOWN!! lol jk
if your life were a movie what would it be called?: Faith Walk
do you have any bad habits?: yeah I couldnt name all of them though lol
do you have any secrets?: of course doesnt everybody?!?! Or is it just me
are you fake?: Nope I try to be as real as possible ARAP lol
what do you want to do in life?: Succeed in everything I do and spread the Good News
are you a daredevil?: Sometimes
are you predictable?: Nope
do you keep a journal/diary?: Not anymore...maybe I should
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: I would be more bold
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: probably
do you think your a good person?: well of course you are gonna think you are a good person
do you think your emotionally strong?: Yeah I know that for sure
do you regret anything?: everything happens for a reason but some things I do regret
do you think life has been good so far?: Yes I have been very blessed
what do you like most about you body?: My lips
least?: iono lol how about my funny bone
are you trust worthy?: Yeah I think so
are you gullible?: sometimes but most of the time no
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My favorite kind of music is Christian Rap and R&B!!! I never get tired of listening to it and it NEVER gets old!! But all in all I love Rap, R&B, and I like to Rock out sometimes!!! I pretty much listen to anything and EVERYTHING!!! From Classical to Rock!!


Pirrates of the Carribean, Pirrates of the Carribean II, Man on Fire,.....too many to remember


I LOVE My Wife and Kids, Laguna Beach, Real World, Bernie Mac, and....other stuff I cant remember!! Lol


The bible fa sho!!! Then the Iliad and They're Eyes were Watching God


God is my hero along with my parents, Martin Luther King, Flo Jo, Dr. Anthony T Evans (my pastor), Dr. Louise Evans (his wife), and all of the true sold out believers that are out there repping God to the FULLEST!!!