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†Omni-Deth, The Poet.
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Currently is in a Metal Band: 1-3-Hell
Contains metaphors, philosophical statements, may misguide you and may open inspiration misinterpreted, AKA "Prism Effect". May lead to sex related, genocide, destruction, hatred towards worldly issues and its fallacies toward an unrighteous state, etc., but either way, "you're the interpreter," you tell me what it means to you .. =).. Ask me and I’ll tell you EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Most of the poems stated here are based on "actual events."
If you want to read the rest of my poetry, I post them in my blogs:
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009
Title: Dystopia
†Check out the blog entry
I stare out into the red sky as it fades into a dark blue
Sitting in a room where I have sought nothing new
As I look closer within, a reflection shows my inner name
Seeing a faint perception when I gaze upon this window pane
The room stood still as the wind blew from afar
And when the sun left, I could not even witness a star
It became darker and isolated, so all had was a candle
With no match to light, which I call my mind's fandangle
I stare into my left hand and reminisce about the past
On my right hand is a picture of how long it could last
Her beautiful smile on a still portrait I see in my dreams
As this dying aroma wanders around me by my selfish deeds
I lay on my back as I fall asleep as if I were dead
Focusing on this evanescence fleeing away from this dread
If I only knew that time continues to flow, I could do to prove to..
..But my life lies in wait because of these words "I miss you."