Trixie Rose ♥ profile picture

Trixie Rose ♥

About Me

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Hi. My name is Trixie! You can call me Trixie, but if you want you can call me Trix. I am a Doberman/German Shepherd Mix! My owner is awesome, her name is Brynna. My favorite color in the whole world is RED! Red is so cool! Anyways I love running and laying in the grass, on nice days. Disney channel is my favorite channel! I love being lazy and sneaking onto other peoples beds! :D I don't really like little dogs because one time a little dog was bullying me and bit me in the leg. It hurt really bad! But big dogs are cool. They have to be like my size though. I am not really for the medium dogs either... I HATE THE WATER! Unless I'm drinking it of course! So if you want to know more just message me! Or just message me to talk! I love meeting new friends! Oh, and if you are a little dog I will still talk to you just no meeting up. I would never REALLY know your size that way. ;)
Doggie Quiz
What's your name? Trixie Rose Cleland
What's your mommy/owners name? Brynna
What breed are you? Doberman/German Shepherd Mix
What's your favorite toy? My red rubber ball!!!!
Tap water or bottled water? Tap. (I don't like the plastic taste)
Do you always walk or are you always carried? Walk. I got a little too big.
How many pounds will you weigh full grown? Around 85 pounds.
Do you wear clothes? Only my huge collection of scarfs!
Long or short hair? Short.
Indoor or outdoor? I like to stay indoors but when it's nice I like to lay outside.
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? My own bed. I have two!
What's your fave color? RED!!!!!
How old are you (in people years)? 6 years back in April!
Do you like to go swimming? NOOOOO! I hate water! Unless I am drinking it. ;)
What color are your eyes? Brown
What color is your hair? Black and Brown
Do you get groomed? Yes.
Are you potty trained? DUH! I'm like 6!
How much do you bark? Only when I see evil little dogs and people who shouldn't be on the golf course!
Have you ever bit anyone? No but I got bit!
Do you like the bath or hate it? Baths are ok...
Are you friendly with other dogs or do you just attack? I hope I am friendly, but I usally bark when I see new dogs!
Does your mommy/owner have a carrying bag for you? No... They don't sell any for my size!
Do you do any doggie sports? Just fetch and some Agility!
How cute are you from 1 to 10? Well my mommy says I am a 10!!!!!

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