music.. basketball.. diving.. comics.. Final Fantasy series.. food.. My greatest passion lies in travelling! My dream is to leave my footprints all over the world~ Anywhere as long there's the blue blue sky~ Ahh, i'm daydreaming again. hehz. ^^
pple all over the world.. from all walks of life!! BUT. Pls add me IF and ONLY IF u're sincere. If u just add me without a msg or any word, i'll just delete u off some time later. ahh.. but i haven got the time to do that nowadays. =p
rock and pop. esp jpop. v6, arashi, utada hikaru, mika nakashima, YUI, w-inds, lead, X Japan, exile, orange range, uverworld, alice nine, Hyde & Gackt.. Been a looooong time since i last listened to the radio, so i've lost touch with english & chinese songs.
Lord of the Rings (i luv frodo~).. Hm.. i like fantasy stuff and war flicks.. like Pearl Harbor.. Oh ya, pirates of the caribbean!! Johnny Depp is soooo sexy!! heh heh =p Be With You (ima, ai ni yukimasu) and Death Note!!
i love animes.. Slamdunk, Dear boys, Naruto, RAVE, inuyasha, Saiyuki, BLEACH.. Also like jap dramas like Hero (takuya!!), Good luck (takuya again!!), engine and GTO.. OH YES, and Nobuta wo produce!!
mostly comics and jimi's picture books..
my ojiisan =)