Those of you who have doughts about if your life is worth living just take some time to contemplate what your losing. I am now an active duty soldeir in the U.S ARMY. It is one of the hardest things that ive ever done. I just got out of basic training and now im in AIT for 7 months. I put my life on the line the day i signed those papers. Its not until you really start thinkin about what your life is worth until you are faced with the contemplation of losing it. I am happily married and i also have a beatiful daughter that i cant see because i cant find her mother. my life definitley has not been easy and the contemplation of suicide has never crossed my mind. And if it has crossed yours that just means you have a weak mind. you have to be strong in order to survive in this crazy ass world. ive put myself in a place i never thought i would. I am way to fucking preechy.