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MySpace Graphics & MySpace CodesFirst and formost I am a proud yidasha momma for my beloved dauther. I believe in Hashem with all my heart and being. Without Hashem I have no life, my very esence is my belief in Hashem, he has given me strength when I saw none in sight, love where I least expected it and peace where chaos hides. May he continue to watch over Israel and all Jews in every corner of the world and may this be from my lips to Hashems ears. I was born and reared in Orlando, Florida...I'm an avid reader and would be happy to spend the day in the library. However, I am very fun loving and love to laugh..I don't think I've done enough of that lately though. Im married 26 years, I have a wonderful daughter who is 18, a fabulous doggie,Shelka and all my wonderful friends. I am returning to work after since 1994 and wow has the "game" changed, especially for a 56 year old woman. Love my Starbucks Americanos and just love life in general. Would like to travel more but getting back to work comes first. Have been a very devoted wife and mother and feel the empty nest coming off I go to soar into other areas of life. Would love to meet other people who are in the midst of changing their lives after having children grow up and also just meeting wonderful people in general. Love and Live!"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."~Golda Meir..
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