Well. I guess I should change this section up a bit now...I graduated a couple of years ago from Pepperdine University and then did a stint at DreamWorks Animation working Production while I kind of sorted out whether I wanted to focus on production or performance. I mean, DreamWorks was great, and I learned a lot, but now---onto acting! Weeeeee!I LOVE watching movies/plays, going to concerts, cooking, baking from SCRATCH (and eating out---treating myself to a nice dinner now and then), traveling, wandering around museums, and sometimes, just having a quiet dinner and wine at my house with friends--or by myself! Overall, I'm a pretty straight forward person, I hate phony-ness and small talk, though I am realistic and recognize that sometimes small talk is necessary.People and relationships are way more important than "things," to me, especially friends and family! I don't have a lot of acquaintance type "friends." For me, generally speaking, my friends are people that I actually KNOW (absurd as it may sound). People to "weather the storms" with :) So if we've never met in person, I probably won't be your myspace friend...sorry...that just seems to make more sense to me.Random Stuff About me:I over analyze a lot.I have traveled to more than 11 countries.I want to learn how to speak Italian and Russian.I love to go to museums and just sit...for hours...I make a KILLER creme brulee!I talk to myself...a lot...I'm not crazy, I'm just a verbal processor.Yes I believe in God and my faith is an important part of what makes me who I am; if you wanna know why--then ask me. If not, nuff said. I have friends from all different backgrounds and walks of life and I really appreciate the ways that they challenge me as a person and are open to having important conversations, without it having to be a competition where someone "wins". That irks me, when people get all up-ity. No dice.