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About Me

Philadelphia PA
Profile Views: 69
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Hey, I finally updated this part
Thanks for stopping and checking out my little MySpace page. Believe me, this won't explain every single detail, but you'll get a good idea about who I am and what makes me tick. Also, things on my page change often. I get bored looking at the same page so I'll change it up so I'm happy with it. One of these days I'll be happy to where I can just let it be. Or die, whatever comes first. :)
Ok, another update. By day, a proud union laborer. Working highway, making' money, bustin' ass. Trust me, it just looks easy. But then again, I am a highly trained professional. Actual work should not be attempted without the assistance of a highly trained professional, such as myself. lol Nah, I am a union laborer, and damned proud to be one too. Nobody can ever say I don't earn my wage, cause I do every single day.
I've been a musician practically all my life. Started on drums at 10 years old, played live for the first time when I was 10 years old with a C&W act at the Triest. Moved into guitar then bass when I was a young teen. Bass kinda stuck cause bands could never find a good bassist. I have played guitar, drums, and bass professionally at one point or another. I also write and arrange music. And I have collected quite a number of original tunes along the way. I try to compose from different standpoints when I arrange and write. Some tunes are written from the guitar, some from the bass, and some from the drums. Keeps the whole process interesting for me. I've also had the pleasure of producing as well. It was a learning process that showed me just how involved it really is to produce a song.
I've also had the pleasure of playing with some fantastic musicians as well. Reno West, some know him as my half Brother. He's not only one of the most talented composers I'll ever know. He's just a fantastic musician too. Carmen Lauro (from the Stevie Wonder Band), who is just a great person, and a phenominal guitarist/composer/pianist. I owe it to him for introducing me to some great people (Dave Mason - Ace Frehley just to name a few). And for showing me that I can be the only person in control. His words are some which I live by when he said "as talented as you are, you can pretty much pick and choose what band you want to play in". It's no joke, I am talented. But I don't let it go to my head. I'm as normal as they come. I don't put myself in any different catagory because I play music. I'm happy with being a real good musician in my head. If you think I'm better than good, that's how you feel. Me, I'll always be just a good musician.
And the places I've gotten to play. Some I still look back and just can't believe I was on that stage playing music. I've played to a few people, and I've played to hundreds of people. All that mattered was I was doing something I loved. Something nobody can take away from me. I play music for my own satisfaction. To know I can play a number of tunes and perform them flawlessly. And to do it live just makes it that much more of a personal thing to me. Can't hide mistakes live ya' know. :)
Well now, that pretty much covers the "this and that" 'bout me huh? Beer, yeah I like beer. Moosehead and MGD is preference. Might as well describe what I play too huh? Drums: I play a Tama double bass kit, Paiste cymbals, Zildjian china, 13 and 14 inch high hats (one remote mount), iron cobra pedals and Evans heads. Bass: G&L, Ernie Ball and Fender basses. And soon (keeping my fingers crossed) a Rick to the arsenal. Amps: Carvin R600 atop a Mesa Boogie RR1000 cab OR a Carvin Cyclops. Effects: Line 6 XTLive effects. Guitars: Only one, my Hamer Californian. All I have left is a Marshall 4X12 cab with greenbacks. One day I will find a plexi or modded lead Marshall to put on top of it to complete my guitar rig.
Now that does that. Honestly, I'm just a normal everyday person. I know life is hard. My life didn't come with a manual, so I'm at it day after day. I deal the best I can, and I work at it everyday. Yeah, I am a work in progress huh? lol I learned you never tuck tail and run cause what you're running from is what you want most out of life. I've learned lots of things, because living life is all about learning. And some of the lessons I've learned taught me how to smile, and how to cry. I've been at the top of the barrel, and at the very bottom of it too. That rope we all dangle from? I've swung like Tarzan from the end of that thing too many times. So that's just who I am. Just me, nothing special, just me. And I'm real cool with that. Thanks for stopping by. Now, on your way. lol

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Check this out!

Think bassists only know bass? Most know Bass and Drums are like Baseball and Hot Dogs! Apple Pie and America. SO, here's a few of my favorites. Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater doing the track for "Honor Thy Father". Mike Terrana, formerly of Rage with 2 solos. Mike Mangini I believe still with Steve Vai with a monster solo. And Charlie Benante of Anthrax WITH John Tempesta doing a little tribute to John Henry Bonham! Enjoy, but sit down. And don't forget to scroll to see all 5 video clips within this scroll box. I know, neat, but effective. Enjoy!

Mike Portnoy - Honor Thy Father

Mike Terrana with RAGE

Mike Terrana - Detonator
Mike Terrana - Detonator

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Mike Mangini

Charlie Benante WITH John Tempesta

Attack Pussy

My Attack Pussy can kick your ass!


Yup, this is the mainstream of life as we ALL know it! I'll listen to everything from classical to GWAR. My favorite bands are Anthrax, Iron Maiden, Zep, The Who, Dream Theater, Zak and BLS, Priest, Toby Keith, MOD, SOD, Slayer, Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Terrible Ted Nugent, Frank Zappa, and the list just goes on and on. Believe me, it's never ending my love for music.

Gear Mesa Boogie Cabinets
Ernie Ball Basses
Fender Basses
G&L Basses
Carvin Power Amps
Line 6 XTLive Effects


Another thing I am varied in. Horror, drama, comedy... I like a GOOD movie. No matter the plot or theme.


From time to time I watch it. I think I enjoy it a lot more when the Flyers and Eagles are doing real good though.


Hustler is a book right? lol Thank God for Larry Flynt!!!
Beer Moosehead & MGD


John Entwistle (RIP)
Billy Sheehan
Steve Harris
Geddy Lee
John Paul Jones Esquire
Bootsy Collins
Buddy Cash
Frank Bello
These Bassists ROCK!
Mandy Reed
Stevie Lang

Just to name so very few..

Click The Link to go to... This isn't just a studio...
These are close friends!!!

The Brotherhood I belong to

School School of Hard Knocks
Still Attending Daily!

My Blog

Listen up (poor excuse to get attention huh)

Lots of you folks know I live music. Not one day goes by that I don't listen or play it. To me, it's as important as the air I breathe. Yeah, it's like that. Seeing some of this areas upcoming gigs be...
Posted by Balbino on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:08:00 PST

I know... I KNOW...

I know, I've been a waste of space around here. But hey, the past month or so has really gone 180 with me. Some surgery, some health issues (friggin blood pressure), and a bunch of up's and down's in ...
Posted by Balbino on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:37:00 PST

Just some Early Morning humor

The Headache A husband emerged from the bathroom naked and was climbing into bed when his wife complained, as usual, "I have a headache." "Perfect," her husband said. "I was just in the bathroom powd...
Posted by Balbino on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:14:00 PST

Our government blows

With as much a sideshow as our government has been the past 7+ years. This comes as no shock to me. Honestly, this is not only a sad story, it is a very tragic one as well. Chris Kangas was a 14 year ...
Posted by Balbino on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:44:00 PST