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About Me

Hi everybody I'm Moti, a student for Interactive Media from Israel. I love making art, in any form, way and media. I hope you enjoy my site. I would consider it success if you have gained a glimpse into the visions in my mind.Let me tell you some things about myself: women, and the mystical connection between me and them. Every time I'm asked when I started drawing, I have 2 answers ready.The first is: ever since I remember myself. In kindergarten I was sent to gifted children's tests and I know why I didn't pass. Because I didn't answer even one question I was asked. My only passion was drawing, I drew all the way through kindergarten, elementary school and high school. I wasn't the best painter, there were always others who were better than me and stood out more. I just used to draw a lot. Somewhere in the eighth grade I did my first wall painting and in the eleventh grade a new student arrived at our class… She used to sit beside me in Math lessons. We used to talk a lot and I showed her a few of my drawings. She told me she wanted a wall painting in her home, so we agreed we'd meet in the Passover holiday and I'll make it for her. She picked a drawing and on the first day of the holiday I came to her house and started the painting. I came every day, even on Friday and Saturday and worked for 6-8-10 hours a day. And the whole time I was drawing she used to lie down on the bed facing the wall I drew on and watch me working. It took about 3 weeks to complete the painting. She had chosen a subject that was definitely beyond what I could draw at that time. Some fantasy drawing. I've just started with simple Disney characters for children rooms. Anyway… during the first week something very strange and special happened to me. That thing has changed me in a profound way and turned my life around. And here I come to the second answer – in eleventh grade I fell in love with a girl and then it all erupted. In eleventh grade I fell in love with a girl and then it all erupted. But it wasn't as simple as it sounds. On that special day, I was painting while she was lying on the bed behind me and talking like she used to. After a while I noticed the silence. I turned to her, she was fast asleep and it was then that I saw something very strange and special. On one hand it frightened and surprised me in a scary way. On the other hand, I felt like I was getting the most pleasant hug imaginable, of the kind that you just don't want ever to stop! It was like being in love, but so much in love that you can't contain all the emotion inside you. So I stood there for a few minutes, with tears in my eyes, shaking, literally, all over. Ever since then, it has become something I see in every woman I look at, but on different levels… When I look at a woman, I see color. Actually I don’t really see it… It's more like a feeling, and don’t ask me what it means to feel a color. I still can't explain it. Every woman has her own unique color. It's a color that doesn't change and it gives me a certain feeling about that girl. Let me explain a little about the basic colors and complementary colors. Red blue and yellow are the basic colors. Those are colors that "just exist" and you can't get them by mixing colors. Purple green and orange, are the complementing colors to the basic colors and they are achieved by mixing the basic colors. Those are the three colors I see – the complementary colors. When I say that a woman has an orange color, for example, it doesn't mean it's always the same color. That there are lots of orange shades and different women can have different shades of orange. In general, the lighter and brighter the color is, the more attractive it is, physically and also intellectually. Most women have orange… let's call it "the usual" color. Green, on the other hand, is a very rare color, and it gives me a feeling of coolness and distance for some reason. Even though two girls I've known that had green were really amazing! Purple is the color I'm most attracted to. Sometimes it's in terms of a weakness. It has nothing to do with appearance, even an old lady can have a purple. I see it long before I look at her body and her beauty. Sometimes I walk down the street and a girl passes by and I'm just left standing with a quickened pulse and I want to approach her so much, to say something, but what can I say? I don't think she would react kindly to "Your purple is stunning"… So can you understand the kind of world I live in? Where every woman has a color? Can you understand what a colorful special world it is? When I was young, I had no girls as friends. I was a quiet and shy kid. I haven't completely overcome my shyness but it's much less now. That girl that I made the wall painting for was my first friend. The first girl that had let me into her life. It was amazing because it was such a different world from what I've known before, it was so magical. Everything was deeper, surely confusing, but very emotional, intensely so. It was a world from a woman's point of view. I could sit and listen to her for hours, to drink passionately every word that came out of her mouth. One of the first things she shared with me, was her sex life. You know, 17 years old adolescents… and she said something that surprised me because I didn't know that "Guys don't do it well". So like a good boy, I sat and listened to her teachings. Slowly, as I acquired more girls as my friends I realized they also said the same thing. So I said to myself – I don't want to be like that. Let me ask you a question. A young boy has a sexual intercourse for the first time with a girl… how is he supposed to know what to do? Friends? Do they really know more than he does? Every one just adds as he sees fit from his own fantasies. Movies? In a porn movie the man hasn't even approached the girl yet that she's already all wet and groaning. We know that it doesn't happen like that in real life. When does a scene end? When the man comes… so it's no wonder that women complain that men come and then turn their backs and go to sleep. There are millions of men who live in the illusion that if they enjoy sex, the woman must be enjoying it as well. I've reached a conclusion that having sex with a woman is 90% understanding and the rest is doing. Sex is like a conversation. There are some who like to be heard. They talk out loud or even shout, trying to convince everyone that they're right. There are some who sit quietly, overtaken by fear and feelings of inferiority. There are people who sit, listen peacefully, think and then react. This is the way of good sex. The body has a language of its own. When I'm with a woman, every breath, every move of a muscle, especially the look in her eyes say something. When I was in high school, I've come to a decision that I won't be like those men. I told myself that I won't have sex with a woman until I feel I'm able to satisfy her. So I had to wait until I was in the army at the age of 19 and some. Although all those girls I've talked to haven't taught me what I need to do, they taught well what I shouldn't do and that was enough for me to reach the necessary conclusions. In the army, I served in the "Kiria". At the beginning of my service I served in the armory, and every day in the "Kiria" I met 40 female guards, It was the most productive period in the aspect of my drawings that I've ever had. One girl became my friend and we used to talk a lot, she also knew that I'm a virgin. She really wanted me to draw her. So we agreed one evening that she'd come over. We sat and talked, drank coffee, talked some more, and more coffee, then we said – Come on, letws draw. She took off her clothes, a thing that I was already "used to" and lay down on my bed. I got up, took my sketch block, pencil and eraser and sat on the chair facing her. Suddenly she shouted at me: "What are you doing??????" I got scared, I'd never anything to harm a woman. I didn't understand what she wanted of me so I told her: "I'm.. umm.. drawing you?" She answered : "No no, first sex. Then drawing!!" And at that moment I felt I was ready. So I sat beside her on the bed, most embarrassed with a silly smile on my face. She was a very experienced girl and had a stunning figure. Huge, erect breasts… she was very impressive. After my brain got more or less paralyzed, she told me to stop smiling, took my hand, placed it on her breasts and kissed me. Slowly, until I felt more loose. And it was amazing. It… it was more than amazing! I felt it was an honor. Yes, honor. When a woman lets me see her that way, lets me touch her everywhere in her body, lets me into her most intimate places, into her body and also maybe into her soul, isn't that an honor? To see a woman, twisting with pleasure in my hands, it was amazing! To know that I could excite a woman like that… I was in heaven. She came twice that evening, I haven't come even once but I didn't care about it at all because my satisfaction was much beyond that - it was mental and emotional. I felt I succeeded, that I'm not like those other men. That I do know how to touch a woman.Then she fell asleep and I drew her. When she woke up, she asked me why I lied telling her that I was a virgin. I told her I really was a virgin and then she asked: "So how did you know to do all the things you did?" I answered: "You told me" and it was really true. I just made an initial contact through feeling, searched for a reaction and when it occurred, I stayed there. I listened to her body. So it happened that a very interesting period in my life has begun. I've started dating more women, there were also a lot of flings. The sex itself was enjoyable and exciting, but for me it was always beyond that. I never had a "quickie", it was always more like a ritual that took hours because there's so much to do, so much to invest in a woman - to study her, to prepare her and that's what has always amazed me, this honor I was talking about, it's the beauty of an excited woman in your hands. When you go down of her and you feel her closing her legs on you like she wants to suck all of you inside her. It's just amazing! I think the only word to describe it is divine. It is a rarely used word in connection to sex but yes… Divinity. When people see drawings or photographs of mine I'm always asked: "Why nude?" For that I also have an answer. There are people who treat a body as something impure, something forbidden, that needs to be hidden. I, on the contrary, see in a body something clean, pure and sacred! A woman is the most beautiful thing in existence for me. When God made the world, she sealed Creation with a woman. The last thing she had to create so that the world would reach perfection. That creation was made naked… so I see in the body the best of God's creation. Let's say I draw you. If I draw you, in clothes of a nun, or in leather clothes and a whip, or in a soldier's uniform, high school student outfit, mini skirt and fishnet tights, heavy makeup, in each outfit you're a different woman. People see nudity as exposure, I claim otherwise. When you are dressed, it is possible to obtain a lot of information. People build a whole perception of you based on your clothing. It's possible to know global location, religion, financial status, profession and a whole lot more. When you are naked, it's just you. If I put a 100 naked women beside you – you are nothing but women. And that's what I want to draw - a photograph. You, the woman! It doesn't interest me to draw fabric, I don’t want to draw the folds or the texture, I just want you. I don't want to draw your beautiful g-string, or your stunning bra that you bought a week ago. Not the shape of your jeans or the shape of your dress that looks awesome on you. I want a woman. Pure, clean and amazing in the shape that only God knew how to create. That's why I draw nude… That's what I dream about at night, that's what I think about during the day, that's what I want to draw. That's what I want to photograph when I photograph a girl. I want to show what a woman is to me.

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