Your results:
You are The Flash
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
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The sword, training with my sword, training with other weapons, training in martial arts, reading(mostly fantasy), writing i am actually in the middle of writing a book. (sorry I had to update this; 3 books)
thats not all the things i do thats just the things i listed
not sure who id'e like to meet
i would like to say that my favorite band of all time is queen. and not just because of bohemian rapsody. but because they are the mother fucking shit. i also listen to alot of other stuff like drop kick murphys, metalika, i dont know just alot of stuff.
man i guess one of my favorite movies is the shawshank redemption. that is kind of an odd question i would rather say that my favorite actor is kevin costner he is the shit in just about every movie he plays in like robinhood prince of theives, dances with wolves, wyatt erp, the postman, feild of dreams, shit that man is just an all around good actor.
i dont know i dont feel like there is alot on telivision lately that is good. i watch adult swim pretty much every night but its not even all that great cause they took all the good shows off.
wow i cant beleive they actually want me to list individual books that i have read. i dont even think that's possible considering i usaully read at about a rate of one book a week. so i will list some good ones for you first off i think everyone should start off with the zombie survival guide by max brooks it tells you everything you need to know about zombies.(i like zombies) anyway another good series is dragonlance, wheel of time, and sword of truth novels, vampire earth novels, and the the dresden files, and the crown of stars series.
I'm my own damn hero. not bacause im concieted but because in the end when it comes down to it the only person that keeps my head above water is me.i save my own damn life.