Travelling and working in other countries, and enjoying other cultures. With my job, I am directing/working with the locals most of the time. I enjoy rugby football, having played for 13 years...I'm to busy to play nowadays, so a good local match is something I look forward to. I enjoy old motorcycles and have several Harleys. I think family and friends are the most important thing in my life.
People that are confident in themselves and their abilities, and do not judge others by appearance, ethnicity, or amount of money they make.
I enjoy all types of music, from Celtic to Jazz, Blues, and Rock and Roll...I don't get Rap music, everybody swearing and shooting...I guess it's not meant for me anyhow.
Living abroad means that I don't get all the media hype that strikes the hearts and minds as new movies come out. I have to wait for most of it to come out on dvd...I do enjoy old films, war and patriotic movies, action and mystery, and like most people, I think films like "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" and "The Big Lewbowski" are hilarious.
I don't watch much TV...I think it represents everything that is wrong with society today. We have become zombies and slaves to the idiot box.
I read a lot, about a book a week, and currently I am into James Michener, Dan Brown, and the Literary classics.
My Brothers, Patrick, James and John. My best Friend Don, and anyone in the Marine Corps.