whatever keeps my interest after 22 years
anything that involved some sort of fusion, killers, beatles, simon and garfunkle (SP?), flogging molly, dashboard, elton, musicals, and disney songs
anything by: tarintino, christopher guest, Love Actually, MGM musicals, Moulin Rouge, Little Miss Sunshine, Memioirs of a giesha, Disney, Usual Suspects, Down with Love, Big Fish, GEMINI!!
The OC (I know), Simpsons,Big Brother, Family Guy, Heros, Deal or no deal (I know), Survivor, Daily SHow, Colbert Report, Office, Arresred Dev., Curb Your Enthusiam, and anything my parents watch and im bored enough to
Nektropolis, Perks of Being a wallflower, the 5 people you meet in heaven, the notebook, big fish,...uhh...those highlights magazines
the cheerleader! (lame)...yogi bear, adam west AND batman