So yeah i've been in tha military since 2003 and will finish my illustrious career weneva I get bored of playin army...hhahah...jk....newayz i've been livin in germany frum 2003-2006, now i'm in TX 4 nowww....but about germany not many pplz can say thay been overseas in their lifetime on ah vacation neverthaless live there....i wanted tah leave after i got bacc frum iraq in 2005 ( waz in iraq frum feb.2004-feb.2005)but now i kinda mizz it....huyyyy...while livin in g-town ...i took many litto tripz and had ah blast like wen i went tah spain,czech rep.,netherlandz,france,poland not tah mention most of tha known citiez in germany etc....I mizz my extended family Delta btry 4/3 waz jus like that in iraq...we would argue wid one anotha, fight etc..but in tha end we waz tight like nat-booty (like hump used tah say..hahaha)and thatz tight, yall knoe how small ah nat iz ...imagine itz litto booty...ahaha....newayz...after iraq everyone went their seperate wayz...thatz jus life though.....pplz move on tah biggaNbetta thingz in life.....but therez one person thay'll all-wayz live through tru fwend markus jay johnson...i mizz u so much, sumtimez i wonder why it wasn't me and not u that day in iraq ....i ask god why couldn't we both wake up after tha incident...n not jus me after that shiet happened.....wen i pray everynight i ask god tah don't let chu, my uncle and my grandparentz have ne worryz and R.I.P....june 1st jus passed and marked tha 4year anniversary of u movin to ah betta place called tha kingdom of heaven(GOD's playground)...i went to tha memorial set-up thay had in philly (arlington-north) for tha memorial day weekend tah pay u ah waz jus ah mock-grave but one of these dayz wen i'm finished wid tha army...i'll make that trip up springfield MASS..tah see u :) and maybe we could bullshiet like ol' timez bacc in iraq...O by tha way ur brotha and father came through germany tah see tha big red one memorial thay had for all tha fallen soldierz in iraq and one of those warriorz waz u...did he tell u we played ball 2gether, ur bro me and eddison,danielz,etc..then tha rest of tha fellaz showed him ah good time in germany b4 he left...but on hiz 1st day he arrived and danielz and ur bro waz in my room bull-shitten around and talkin bout how great of ah person u were and stuff, and if only pplz really knew how special u r :) ...but 4 noww I can only talk to u through thiz penNkeyboard and in my prayerz and itz so f--ked up...see u wen i get there bro....R.I.P JAY
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