AiZ_MaN profile picture


About Me

I am glad any one who read my profile and give me a chance to share my testomonies with. Although I am a youngman just approaching life like everyone else. My life was blurred I can't see what lies ahead and it went down to destructions. Even to the point that suicidal come up to my mind. I have try so hard, but I could never succeede because my most worst memories keep on haunting me day and night. Sometimes I have to do "THE BATTLE OF THE MIND" I have to fight the good and evil inside of me and I know that some of you have been there before. I've won and lost in Love...Sometimes in the same night. I've had to learn to let go of friends and lovers who brought out the worst in me, eventhough at the time I felt I couldn't breathe without them. This was a very difficult, challenge, but crucial lesson to learn, though I have to learn the hard way. The reason I allowed people into my life who gave me negative message about myself was becauseon a deep level I believed I deserved unnecessary Love. Sometimes I had to reteach myself to operate from apurely positive stream of conciousness. The first step forward was to come to grips with a harsh realiztion about the people who had doubted about me with pain and criticism. I discovered that my attackers were only passing on the anger and resentment they had not resolved within themselves. In term, I permitted this negative energy exchange, until I finally understood that I am here in life to prosper, flourish, and live in a peacful life. Then it was time to move on. I know self-destructions because I have been there before. Especially my EX-...I felt like losing my angel here on earth! our relationship wore off, I was left with a loneliness it's so deep that I can't put it into words. Five minutes is like five hours. I felt like no one understood what I was going through and nothing could fill up the huge hole inside of me. Until I felt a shift in consciousness, I began to make mind-body-spirit connections with God. I found that everything I'd been searching for was within me all the time. I realized that being human means not being perfect, but we can be holy. This revelation did not happen in an hour, aday, or even a month. But some how as I learn to take care of myself-my whole self, that moment of transition slowly and loving crept up on me. Through grace, I learned about peace, through peace, I learned about love, through love I found GOD. When I find Him I surrendered completely to him! He purify me from the inside-out. He picked me up and forgive me all of my sins. He also revealed many things to me by the Holy-Spirits, His -Spirits. To read more about my Testimonies click "view-Testimony" above.ref=" 29tbWVudHMuY29tL2dyYXBoaWNzLnBocD9pbmRleD1iZXN0">
My God My Savior! / HotFreeLayouts

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My Blog


MY  TESTIMONY COMING SOON!          Above all else I would like to thank God for everything because  without Him my hope and faith  will not grow!  Since the day I gave my life to Christ,  God  starti...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 11:27:00 GMT