Winds, waters, tides, spices, ways to bend, Hungarian Red Wine, sounds of funny sneezes, Mornings, ways to glide accross the waters - frozen or quite flowing, big fat hugs, good fucking cries, face hurts from laughing, walks in the sunshine with the eyes closed, endorphins from the outside, professors that shout and run around the room, friends with the right pairs of eyes, magic that is just overlooked scientific occurrences like bioluminescence, random encounters that you knew you didnt need a phone for, filling up the water bottle in the morning, creatures like dogs and those little sandpiper birds and those people that you can look at and know they aren't your average human species, great wierdos who bring us inventions, people who smile when they drive, making guacamole with my hands, reading, tiptoes, and white egrets
left to meet: Jane Goodall, Cleopatra, a great explorer, like Balboa, Ponce De Leon or some other bush whacking crazy fool who gives his life searching for sacred springs and passage, perhaps a samurai or three
Everything from Swedish metal to Frank Sinatra tickles my soul. Throw me something jazzy, and my booty can't stop shakin'..... musicians are the magicians of the Earth. My lack of musical power is made up in my dance, and allows me to listen with a less tainted ear, perhaps hearing something a real musician wouldn't. Perhaps? I will always remember the music that has touched my soul, and will always be open to new encounters. Never forget the power of NPR
movies about self discoveries with messages or places that visually portray luscious landscapes of future travel dreams: Lord of War is fantastic
Download your CNN, only when you are mentally ready to face the world's explosions. At the end, go on a walk to formulate solutions, because they are in our generations head somewhere.
ingenious children books such as Education of Little Tree, The Hatchet, Bony Legs, The Tao of Pooh... Way too out there like Ayn Rand or Tom Wolfe, the babble-ons of Tom Robbins, Lyn Andrews shamanic travels, beatnicks to C.S. and Tolkein. Wordsworth, travel writers, random geniuses like Vedana Shiva, Jonathan Safran Foer, sustainable architects and chemists like McDonough and Braungart that manufacture plastic books, etc
anyone who is constantly planning on ways to do their life dream, whether getting there or in it, remains composed and ecstatic