Stan Fedun - Bass Massimo Alonzi - Guitar/Vox Stephan Peralta - Drums Justin Macri - Keyboards
Video Blog Number One
Video Blog Number Two
Video Blog Number Three
1600 x 1400
Member Since: 06/07/2007
Sounds Like:
Cadency is a Toronto based band that has been around for just over four years. It consist of Massimo Alonzi playing guitar and singing vocals, Stan Fedun laying out the bass lines and occasionally singing back-ups, Stephan Peralta keeping beat for the band on drums and Justin Macri adding in synth/keyboard into the tracks. One of the key components of the band that makes them different from any other musical ensemble is the fact that they do it all on our own. When it is time for them to record a CD they don’t go to a recording studio, rather rent out the equipment that they will need and create the music in their basements. The merchandise that they sell at shows is also handmade and designed by them. The MySpace page you are currently on has also been designed by the band, not a paid third party. Without a doubt it is clear that music is their passion and that they will do what it takes to be playing it for the rest of our lives. Even though for some bands being together for just over four years is a significant amount of time for them it is just the beginning. They are without a doubt a promising band and truly hope you enjoy the music that they create.
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