ALL SPORTS- mainly football Intrumentals Reading long novels In N Out Cotton Candy Quik Trip The bathroom Good reading material while I'm in the bathroom my bed my floor once i roll of my bed
I want to meet anyone. I don't have any particular person in mind. I met my birth family, and know my family, so I'm straight. But I always look forward to meeting nice people
I listen to a LOT OF MUSIC. I love it. Need I elaborate?
Shawshank Redemption Longest Yard Crash Transformers
Whatever tickles my fancy. I got DVR, so I can watch pretty much whatever I want whenever I want. Not gonna lie, it's pretty tight.
John Irving's Hotel New Hampshire Flower's for Algernon Angels and Demons (the DaVinci Code wasn't as good) Little Mermaid I LOVE DISNEY I LOVE WALT DISNEY AND HIS MAJESTIC CHARACTERS I LOVE THAT PURPLE DINOSAURscrew hockey, footballhockey. one
My Parents, my siblings, my friends, and GodAll those I have mentioned have helped mold me into the person you know. I owe to them everything.