junji profile picture


DREAMS are MEANT to Be fulfilled <<<<<

About Me

I aM VeRy OptiMiSsTiC, dOwn To EaRtH aNd LiKe aNy 19 yEaR OlDs lIkes tO hAvE fUn.... AlsO i Like tO sPend My tiMe wiF my FriEnZ aNd FamIly, OfTen i Would BriNg Them ouT oN an EatIng SprEe On BikeS.... We woUld loOk AroUnd SinGapoRe fOr gOod FoOd..... YuMmy. sOmetImes I wOulD tUrN tO mY OwN kItChen ...Ha ha ha and i Do MoRpH iT inTo a HeLLhOle oCcAsSiOnaLly. To be continued...... SMILE ALWAYS

My Interests

Listening to music / Chilling wif a couple of friends / Boating / Anime & Comics

I'd like to meet:

Interesting PpL


Lounge music / Jpop ( by Ayu or Utada ) /


Fantasy, like the ones by Robert Jordan -- Wheel of Time & Scientific publications