Marilyn Monroe so I can give her a "good time". William S Burrows so I can have him read me a bedtime story. Charles Bukowski so he can read me a midnight story. GG Allin so he can be the monster under my bed. Ed Gein so he can eat the monster under my bed. God so I can spit in his face and call him a doosh bag for taking all these people away before I got a chance to do all these things to them or with them. Johnny Depp....... no, I'd just wet myself, start running in circles, yipping like a chiwawa with a fire cracker in my ass, have an orgasm, followed directly by a mild heart attack, while every one around me was trying to decide if they should call an ambulance, a nut house, or the cops. Bowie, so I can have many children with him, and live happily ever after with him in a villa in Berlin, with Jami and Iman as our sex pets. MEOWWWW MEOWWWWW WOFFFFF WOFFFFFF