Brittany, my best friend, my piece of pie, my sister. I love you so much. You are one of the most beautiful and loving people that I know. The fact that you are overly obsessive with movies, that make me cry, is only a slight problem. I love our random trips around downriver. I love the way you hate to drive but love to spend $5 on coffee. Oreo drives me crazy, but she's my favorite. I love going on long trips with your family, in a little mini van, with your dad eating MY cookies. I love the way we read each other's mind, no matter what the situation, You've always been there for me and I cannot ask for a better best friend. We'll be together until the end, through thick and thin, and all of that other quotey stuff. I love you. ♥
.. " Kayla, my crazy half. You're a little high strung and very very out there. You live at my house for way too long sometimes and sleep late. We go on drives more often than not and you're constantly calling me when I have no minutes. You're vulgar and angry. You hit me too much, like right now. Haha this seems like hate mail. I love you to death, without you I would be boring, haha. I'm so glad that we're friends and we will be forever...the law, is civilzed, isn't it? PIG! ha..ha..ha
" These people mean the world to me. These people are the true meaning of family. They are there for me whenever I need them. I have the best brothers and sisters anyone could ever ask for.
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I'm not really sure that it's fair to ask for more than one person who can relate to you on every level, so she is my only one. =] This girl can read my mind and know exactly why I'm thinking what I am at any given moment. And the nice thing? She's either been through the same thing, or is going through it at the same time.