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Alea iacta est

About Me

A Tidbit of Info: I am Leebo, brother of Alex, and a full time student at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Ca. I am currently studying for a degree in Illustration with an entertainment track emphasis. I'm full of bafflingly deep, stupid crap; However, I don't take this all too seriously, so neither should you. (Eigo to nihongo o hanashimasu, demo.. nihongo semai desu. Arigato gozaimasu!)

My Interests

Illustration, animation, art, music, sleeping in, football, world domination, art galleries, japan, collecting ukiyo-e, world of warcraft, nostalgic video games, drinkin', art deco & nouveau, mucha, goya, degas, sports, laughing, good company, storyboarding, good bars, and good women.

I'd like to meet:

I Am Attempting To Locate: The 'negative zone' version of myself so that we could conspire to rule the world. After having a tibetian monk realization about the universe I have decided to collect and find old friends. In particular, workmates from previous jobs before the advent of the internet and myspace as a major form of commercial exploitation and people who actually try to have a conversation with me before they invite me to be their friend. a


Alice in Chains, Disturbed, Duran Duran, Enigma, Peter Gabriel, Jimi Hendrix, KMFDM, Linkin Park, Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, SoundGarden, Megadriver, Minibosses, AudioSlave, Sevendust, Yokko Kanno, Fear Factory, DLR, U2, Breaking Benjamin, Beastie Boys, Van Halen, George Acosta, Paul Oakenfold, Dizzy Gillespie, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Charlie Parker, Herbie Hancock, Mike Jones, Puddle of Mudd, and lots of old skool 80s music that inhabit the soundtrack of my life.


Nightwatch series, Kurosawa, Mifune, classic foreign films and chambra, star wars, indiana jones, boondock saints, anchorman, fight club, dodgeball, man on fire, national lampoons first 2 vacations, back to school, clash of the titans, flash gordon, the final countdown, red dawn, usual suspects, glen garry glen ross, wall street, master and commander, sinbad and the golden tiger, reign of fire, rocky 3, superman 2, grandma's boy, three amigos, old skool ahrnold, Transformers, LoTR, comic book adapted movies, and various forms of anime that have avoided mainstream exposure by Cartoon Network.Interesting Upcoming Films:


Farscape, BSG, Jericho, Millennium, Arrested Development, Robot Chicken, Futurama, Venture Brothers and Sasuke AKA: Ninja Warrior.


National Geographic, PWJ, New Universal, The Killing Joke, Kraven's Last Hunt, The Dark Knight, The Book of Five Rings, The Emperor & The Wolf, History of Graphic Design, Making & Breaking the Grid and various books on Japanese art/Ukiyo-e.

My Blog

Insomniatic Design In A Plastic World

Wow- been a while since I posted on here. Well since the last post I knocked out 5 more classes and I'm taking 4 more this semester.  This Spring will be my last at Northridge and ...
Posted by Leebo on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:26:00 PST

A Work In Progress

Well I have been trying to keep busy with stuff. Four classes this semester has proven to be quite a load for me, even if they are dealing with art. I have started assembling my portfolio for where ...
Posted by Leebo on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:10:00 PST

An other not another

So taking care of this and that became priority over these last few weeks and blogging became an 'other' instead of another.  The website is running full steam now. (http://lee.n8d.com)  The...
Posted by Leebo on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:01:00 PST