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About Me

howdy, i am Luke i go to school like most other people seem to nowadays and i love my bass guitar, infact, i would probably die without it!!. Currently i seem to be in 2 bands a rock band by the name of spoonerism and a jazz ensemble both very fun and going very well ah music what would ya do without it. I like to suprise people. I will sit there in class being quiet but say outrageous things i actually rather like to be loud but only when i'm around the right people really, Otherwise i prefer just to be dry and make people think i'm serious when i'm completely taking the piss (very fun to do). I like my food and i like ej and my friends and talking to inanimate objects. so yeah if you wish to add me do so my emails i may talk back.... you never know.... it all depends!. Alright well bye imaginary people who i do not know yet.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Les Claypool or Geddy Lee

My Blog

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