I'm no longer interested in the "Human Spectacle." As a species we're kind of neat but we've really gotten WAY too far away from the what works and what doesn't. I don't claim to know everything but of this I'm sure. I'm a HUGE fan of singular, private moments of gut wrenching fear and awe inspiring beauty that have, in no way, any connection to any single other person. I was driving from south Delaware recently and found myself particularly moved by, and drawn towards, the vast expanses of post harvest farmland. Also interesting to me were the pockets of stagnant water with white, leafless, decaying trees standing up through them. There's something there that needs to be looked at more closely.
the people in my dreams, the guy that invented the snooze alarm, the two guys from "the yes men", the weather underground.
Anything with heavy reverb, trailing voices, unintelligable lyics muttered through half opened mouths, that makes you think of either sleep or extremely slow sex.
If you were to string together my twenty favorite movies on an endless loop I'd watch them to death. I'm amazed by the lack of decent story lines and characters present in hollywood these days. Not to sound like a pussy but I think there's too much death in visual entertainment these days. I'm not appalled, I just don't care for anyone that gets killed in a movie/prime-time drama. I'm a cynic and think we all have it coming in one way or another. I want to laugh until I piss my pants for the first time ever. Any takers?
I've just moved into an apartment where we get this crazy cable and I have access to over 1,900 channels. I seriously think hell has its own station. With this many options I kind find AT LEAST 500 reasons to keep taking workmen's comp and not finding another job for 2 more months.
Should be edible. But seriously, can we hire someone to weed out all the shit that passes for "literature", the stories of personal struggle, green invaders of doom, and demand a higher quality of legible imagination? I'm asking too much again aren't I? Someone please recommend something that really makes the mind work and the imagination seize. Mullen? If you're reading this I'm asking a brother for a hand.
the bic pen/lighter company, Lloyd Dobbler, Imhotep.