Evie Ladin profile picture

Evie Ladin

About Me

Wrapping up the debut solo record of my very own songs with MIKE MARSHALL producing - recovering from an incredible Spring touring through Turkey, Israel, Spain, Morocco, France and Scotland - rolling with The STAIRWELL SISTERS and the man KEITH TERRY - and CALLING SQUARES! You know, doing the do...
I play old-time banjo and have for most of my life, same for clogging, then tap, then all manner of step dance, body percussion, and on. I write songs and sing them, call square dances that make alot of people easily happy. With all that know-how I stay afloat an artist here in and out of Oakland, California, a whole country away from birth in NYC. In between was Baltimore, Providence, Bloomington, IN, Chicago and Nigeria. I tour solo, with the Stairwell Sisters, all-gal old-time teardown, and my emerging Evil Diane. I also work alot with Keith Terry, my man, and the man behind Crosspulse, cross-cultural performance mixing all manner of rhythmic arts.
Finally getting off me arse with the new music... proud of my DVD - Buckdancing for Beginners, and the Stairwell Sisters' three CDs, especially our most recent - Get Off Your Money!
Here is some footage I shot in Nigeria when i heard banjo music coming from the gatekeepers hut! Finally got it onto the web...

My Interests


Member Since: 05/07/2007
Band Website: http://www.stairwellsisters.com
Band Members: me - banjo, guitar, vocals // Misisipi Mike Wolf - guitars // Dina Macabbee - violin // Keith Terry - bass & drums //
Influences: old-time mountain music knee to knee in the dark in the middle of the night - the pulsing roll of early hip hop highschool cafeteria - steamy square dances and late night honky tonk - Tiv village funeral slow and old and oh so low - pacing on the busstop in Baltimore - riding the subway in NYC - riding my bicycle everywhere - riding the Greyhound - everyone that passed through the house - muddy barefoot festivals - choruses - ozark singers - texas roots music - ithaca roots music - bloominton roots music - asheville roots music - portland roots music - oakland roots music.
Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


oh yeah the summer has come and it looks like we'll be spending about half of it sleeping outside which is my idea of a very good time...just going home from a week out east in tennessee teaching at k...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 17:31:00 GMT

New CD finally leaving our hands!

oh so relieved not only to hear everyone else's storied about cds gone awry - nothing bad ever happened, but the making of a cd has so little to do with the making of music sometimes...but we did it, ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 16:50:00 GMT

done diddley done

lawd amighty how’s it feel to ship that cd off to the manufacturer and have no more decisions to make...and how’s it feel that after all that pain and suffering, i really like it. heart, ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 22:21:00 GMT

first blog ever

alright and not even much to say i just clicked on it and here we go...first time i've written a blog - i've written alot in my lifetime so far and haven't even kept a journal in years...i think as my...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 23:53:00 GMT