(The gorgeous) Henry "Dutch" Holland (Guinness)is a timid bank clerk in London who has been in charge of gold bullion deliveries for many years. He has developed a reputation for fussing over details and panicking about suspect cars following the bullion van, but behind this all he has hatched the 'perfect' plot to steal a load of bullion and retire. One thing has prevented this plan for years, until a new lodger - Pendlebury (Holloway) - arrives at his boarding house. Pendlebury owns a foundry that makes 'A Present From ...' trinkets, exported to many resorts, and has also dreamed of the perfect plot to escape his life.The realisation of their common dream is suddenly forced when Holland finds that he is about to be moved to a new department at the bank. Within a week, they recruit two petty crooks, Lackery Smith (Sidney James) and Shorty (Alfie Bass) to help them carry out the robbery.The plan is simple but clever. Lackery and Shorty will carry out the hijack of the bullion van and switch the gold to Pendlebury's works van. Holland knows that bullion is worthless in its native form, so they must melt the gold in Pendlebury's foundry and export it to France disguised as miniature souvenir Eiffel Towers.As in all great comic adventures, the plan goes horribly wrong through a (simple) misunderstanding with the (French) lady at the Eiffel Tower souvenir kiosk. Holland and Pendlebury arrive to retrieve their disguised bullion to find six have been sold as miniature souvenir Eiffel Towers!A wild chase back to the channel ferry follows and they manage to get five of the models back. The last one eludes them and after a high-speed multiple car chase through London, Holland escapes to South America, whilst Pendlebury is arrested.In the opening scene of the film, Holland is being arrested by British police for extradition to Britain, having spent a year living it up on the proceeds of the remaining model. It is not made clear what happens to Smith and Shorty.
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