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I am here for Networking

About Me

Watttaaaaaa !!! Gotta love ken, the man with seven wounds the FIST OF THE NORTH STAR !!!!Anyway welcome to my page. There will be things you wont want to read here. There will be things you cant read here. So Dont. Straight away it sorts the men from the boys.So come in have a look around and remember."look not long into the abyss.... less the abyss looks into you" !

My Interests

Philosophy, Martial Arts, Psychology, Physics, Capoeira Films, Music, Reading,

I'd like to meet:

My Heroes ... Duh !


Gattaca, Shawshank Redemption, Fist of the North Star, Enter The Dragon, Fist of Fury


Beyond Good & Evil, The Republic, Hagakure, The Universe in a Nutshell, Time the universe and everything


Bruce Lee Friedrich Nietsche Kenshiro Me old man !