allison profile picture


Oh adhere to me, for we are bound by symmetry.

About Me

i work in an office and i have four shirts with my company logo. i am training for a triathlon next summer and for graduate school next fall. i think i'm really really smart and i don't care if you don't agree. i consider my brain my most valuable possession. my current obsessions include elizabeth I (the person), elizabeth I (the movie), the films of helen mirren, mary queen of scots, teaching myself french and latin, and saucony running shoes. my friends are my heroes, truly. they are brilliant and generous and thoughtful and loving and good. i like to read and write and talk to people about things that matter. i like to read the ny times. i am tired. tired of things that don't matter and tired of explaining myself. one day, you will be famous for knowing me, and you can take that to the bank. This layout is from; get yours today!

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My Interests

renaissance literature, victorian literature, modernists, (soo, that covers about 400 years of literature there, doesn't it?), literary theory, politics, the environment, sailing, other people, ideas, music, books...

I'd like to meet:

Dave Eggers. Elizabeth I."Who are my heroes? Bob Hope, Abraham Lincoln, Bono, and...God, I guess...would be the fourth one." -Michael Scott


johnny cash, june carter cash, imogen heap, rosie thomas, thom yorke, justin timberlake, the white stripes, death cab, flaming lips, ted leo, r.e.m., ani, elvis costello, counting crows, ben folds, bright eyes, garden state soundtrack, wilco, old 97s, elliot smith, guster, interpol, iron & wine, modest mouse, radiohead, dar williams, andrew bird, nick drake, snow patrol, silos & smokestacks!, bob dylan, bruce springsteen, weezer, the streets, ben harper, killers, coldplay, decemberists, beck, ryan adams, the weakerthans, the gorillaz, whiskeytown...


walk the line, i heart huckabees, waiting for guffman, best in show, o brother where art thou, raising arizona, the life aquatic, royal tennenbaums, fight club, garden state, ice age, lilo & stitch, cinderella, peter pan, 101 dalmatians, napoleon dynamite, zoolander, dead poets society, other smart movies...


vh1 decade shows, vh1 best week ever, the naked chef. grey's anatomy, the office


extremely loud and incredibly close, anything milton, collected poems of john donne, middlemarch, wuthering heights, tess of the d'urbervilles, a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, mrs dalloway, to the lighthouse, ulysses, the sun also rises, pride & prejudice, catcher in the rye, collected poems of seamus heaney, the awakening...there are hundreds more but i can't think of them right now.


john milton, virginia woolf (can someone who killed herself be a hero?), dave eggers, john donne, lizzie, cassie, all my grad school friends, robert, gina, wendy, and chuck norris obviously.

My Blog


best run of 2007 today. i think i have finally learned to breathe properly. perhaps the daily yoga is responsible for this. this was a huge hurdle for me, so now i'm feeling much more enthused about t...
Posted by allison on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:38:00 PST

lonely in texas

texas by myself. on the road, again. it's funny how my 'tude regarding travel changes daily. when i am on the road i miss being home. i miss my apartment and my roommate and my friends and my fam...
Posted by allison on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:02:00 PST

i'll bite

1. Bill you hate paying most:dunno. i hate bills in general but they enable me to have things like an education, heat, internets, dvr, etc. i guess credit card bills suck, because they are usually for...
Posted by allison on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:28:00 PST

if you can dodge a wrench...

you can dodge a ball. but can you catch the wrench when it is flying at your head at full speed? our dodgeball team got slaughtered yesterday but we learned some important lessons such as the girls sh...
Posted by allison on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:34:00 PST

invalid line: you cannot leave a subject line blank

A - Available: for parties and social functions, yesA - Age: 23A - Annoyance: my office which is always cold, when my brothers leave their shoes and coats in the entry hall (i'm a mom this week)B - Be...
Posted by allison on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:23:00 PST

top five favorite state capitals. GO.

a certain idolized professor and i have been emailing nick hornby-style about our top 5s. categories vary week to week. last week was most memorable concerts. this week was favorite albums (the ones w...
Posted by allison on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:51:00 PST


lizzie wrote about her most and least favorite things about lesotho, and made me start thinking about the same category, except for the past year, really, because what the hell else do people do in ja...
Posted by allison on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 08:01:00 PST

six months

damn near to the day. my inaugural tri takes place in wisconsin july 7-8. my swim is already faster than many of last year's middle-of-the-pack finishers; my bike is definitely faster; my run is much ...
Posted by allison on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:07:00 PST

who needs a radar detector...

when you have a dashboard jesus?   dashboard jesus saved me from wiping out in the snow of western kansas (where they don't believe in plowing their highways), and from not one but THREE speeding...
Posted by allison on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 07:05:00 PST

waiting to be snowed in

kansas is HUGE. i thought i would never cross the colorado border.   This is how it works You're young until you're not You love until you don't You try until you can't You laugh until you cry Y...
Posted by allison on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:02:00 PST