Bany (born Jiri Tomasek) started his musical path in Ostrava (Moravia, CR). In 1990-1998 featured as a guitarist, singer and songwriter in band MILION SEDM ( - guitar-based sound influenced p.ex. by The Police, Midnight Oil or even Cocteau Twins. In years 1991-1993 singing in MATYAS GALI band, in 1993-2000 guitarplaying in alternative rock group O 12. In 1997-2002 guitarplaying, singing, songwriting in funkypunched HOT WASSERMANN, traces of their live shows can be found on sites of Moravian music infoserver 1998 bany joined fenomenal composer and gnarly guitarist Johan, they formed together a band called SRPEN, beginning to experiment masively with guitar effects, soundscapes and poetry... The cooperation is paused now, but not finished yet! ( In years 2000-2002 as a guitarist and music co-writer also featuring in POTOK, a band with female singer Mili and a short show history.
In 2004 Bany moved to Prague, in 2005 appeared briefely in bands SM Lomoz and Dan Kohout Band, accepted a membership in an experimental electronic project CLEANER PRODUCTION ( Also joined a songwriter, singer and guitarist MAREK DUSIL in his band Youngblood, they are performing together to nowadays ( In 2006 formed experimental project SUNBEAR, developing mainly theme of ambient soundscapes. In 2007 Sunbear launched an album Weather (available at
MILION SEDM video "na křižovatce" (1997)