Freedom Rock Ministries is an Outreach of Victorious Life Christian Center. It is our honor to carry the sword of the Lord (His Word) outside the walls of the church and into the streets, the highways and byways to further the advancement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a witness unto the uttermost parts of the earth. We have been called to be a deliverance Ministry, sounding the alarm and working with Christ to help set the captives free. We stand on the Scripture, Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. We are Believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We walk in faith, believing that as we go forth in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost that people will be set free and delivered from a life of hell and healed by the word of the Lord. We have a bible study and support group for ex addicts, that happens out of a tattoo shop in Wheelersburg, Ohio. The name of the Tattoo shop is Earth Moon Imports (8508 Ohio River Rd.). Many souls have come to know Christ from this establishment. We have watched Addicts come in high and get totally set free from their addiction and their withdraws by the power of our Lord Jesus. We have seen supernatural manifestations of God in the lives of many. Mad overdoses healed from death beds. We have watched the hand of God literally reach down and touch lives. There is no color, no gender, and no form of judgment that should hinder anyone from receiving Christ as Lord. Our walk with God is a matter of relationship between you (us) and the Savior. He (Christ) is no respecter of person. He is only after you heart. He will in no way command you to conform to any religious group, He loves you just the way that you are, He loves You! He would say to you follow Me, and as you do, He will teach you and guide you. If there is something that you need to change, He will convict you. All condemnation comes not from God, but from His enemy. Never allow anyone to try to conform you, He will.
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