There are three things you need to know about Nate: He works hard. He plays hard. He sleeps hard ; )
Above is an interview of Nate and the Manager of Community Radio Hamilton, Phil Grey, on local TV.
On the evening of Saturday May 3, 2008, the stars of New Zealand radio came together to celebrate the best radio broadcasting performances of the past year. The NZ Radio Awards at Sky City is one of Auckland's most glittering functions and 2008 marked the 30th anniversary of these awards.
The Blues Room was a finalist for THE BEST ACCESS MUSIC PRORAMME award ... WOOHOO!!! Although the award was taken home by Leopold Bloom for Sounds Of The Planet (Fresh FM Nelson), Nate thoroughly enjoyed the awards ceremony and party that followed. Watch his photo album for pics of the event.
The Blues Room is an access radio programme broadcast LIVE each Wednesday from 9pm to 10.30pm(NZ) on
Community Radio Hamilton, New Zealand . In Hamilton city and some of broader Waikato you can tune in on AM1206 and FM106.7
As well, you can tune in online LIVE no matter where in the world you are at (once there, click the 'LISTEN ONLINE' tab).
It was John Lee Hooker who once said that "the blues is a story." Well in the Blues Room Nate makes it his business to play a variety of blues grooves, each with a story of their own, so that the story of the blues remains alive and honored. You'll get to hear recently released blues from around the globe, old classics and fresh local New Zealand blues too.
Thank-you to the many artists, distributors and record labels and listeners for supporting The Blues Room. Thanks to Community Radio Hamilton manager, Phil, for his awesome support and vision.
Willie Dixon said, "the blues are the roots, everything else is the fruits." Nate serves it all up in The Blues Room - Blues Roots and Fruits!
Oh, and did you know Nate was a member of the
Hamilton Blues Society ?
Click on either icon to the top left or right (the Mic and Headphones icon) to listen podcasts of parts of The Blues Room.