DIRECK of Maylay Ent. profile picture

DIRECK of Maylay Ent.

Music Made DirecKly To The Point

About Me

Real Name: -CODY- The name I go by is Direck. I just recently got up with a producer who has added me to his upcoming label called MAYLAY ENT. The goal is to keep reaching the top until we are at the top. I am 16 years old, I have been writing and recording music for about a year and a half. I am a hip-hop artist in the making. My goal is to follow along in my own foot steps and write about day to day life struggles and ways to get through them. My main goal is to make it big in the Hip-Hop Industry, but I know with such great dreams, it is a diffucult goal to prosper in. But I am dedicated to music and love hip-hop with a deep passion. Truthfully, I'm really not trying to make it big out of the millions of people trying to prosper, all I want to do is teach people how to work through situations. I am still learning, and will always have alot more to learn about in this music industry. I am willing to put forth my time and effort just to have a chance to get my name heard, and perhaps change the world, or maybe even something simple. Thankyou for listening, and I appreciate the love and support I recieve from my fans. My daily life is nothing but Independent Living, I am on my own at this rate. About 98% of my life consists of writing and creating music. I don't have many friends because of the simple fact that I have more time to dedicate towards music. My style has changed up alot over the past 2 years, because I used to Rap about things such as (Money making, and what not), now as you can tell my persona is completely different and I have finally found who I am. It is funny, when people ask me what I do for a hobby and I say (Create Hip-Hop Music) they laugh and take me for granit, but when I give them an example most of the time their thoughts differ. I do not refer to woman as "Bitches or Hoes", because my viewpoint is to respect all women. I respect all and do not look for drama in any way, shape, or form. I did not grow up in the hood but yet I do respect those who have. I've matured alot over time, and people may think I am faking, but truly I am just growing up. Add me, or message me and I will try my best to respond. Thanks again, and as Pac would say, "Keep your head up."I Tried Freestyle.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
View the complete Direck tour schedule

My Interests


Member Since: 7/5/2007
Band Members: Direck- Lyricist, Vocalist, Producer.
Influences: My family who has mostly motivated me to keep continuing my dream.
Sounds Like: Originality
Record Label: Maylay Ent.
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Get so high, And smoke, If you matchin an L, ill take yah money my herbal remedy, people call it an enemy, i could never leave the weed, because the green needs me, i think i need it too, it gives...
Posted by DIRECK of Maylay Ent. on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 01:39:00 PST


the struggle that ive been threw, the hustle that ive been threw, has helped me develop intellegence,and i just grew, keep growin, and hopin that someone hears me, moldin mold threw all of the holes,...
Posted by DIRECK of Maylay Ent. on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 04:02:00 PST


I am finally doing something with my music. Everyday of my ongoing life, my days only consist of creating hip-hop music. I'm practicing to become a music engineer, and am currently getting&n...
Posted by DIRECK of Maylay Ent. on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 11:58:00 PST